Cayman's Common Look

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cayman's hands, fingers, wrists, or arms are always in her mouth. It all started a few months back when her teeth began to come in.

Ever since, this is the pose I always catch her in...

Needless to say, we have a lot of pictures like this one.

Cayman's Naturopathic Doctor

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dear Greg,

We want to say thank you.

Your expertise have made such a difference in Cayman's life. You have given us every reason to feel confident in your knowledge. We are so impressed by Cayman's progress and we will forever carry gratitude in our hearts for your dedication to her quality of life.

If you ever feel discouraged, call me and I'll remind you of the miracles you have performed in our lives. May God bless you!


Mike and Kristen

Naturopathic Doctor: Part I
Naturopathic Docotor: Part II
Naturopathic Doctor: Part III

It's Here

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A little over two weeks ago, I wrote about my marvelous birthday present from my husband....


It has arrived and I think it looks just fabulous!!

What I love about it:

the contemporary style...
the straight, clean lines...
the "x" back chairs...

What Mike loves about it:

the square shape...
it seats up to 8 people...
it was on sale...
and that I love it so much...

Our new table arrived at the perfect time. As I was scooting our old kitchen table out of the pathway for the new dining table to be carried in, the leg on our old table broke off. But now we have this lovely new dining set ready to enjoy lots of meals and games around.

Just like my fireplace mantle, a blank wall, or empty shelves, my mind instantly begins to think about how I want to deck the space out.

So yesterday afternoon, Cayman and I picked some flowers from our yard and put together this arrangement for the dining room table's first centerpiece.

Cute Expression

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I love this expression on Cayman's face.

I don't know what it means though.

Perhaps she is thinking:

Where has the summer gone?


Hasn't Daddy figured out yet that his football video game isn't real life? (LOL)

Cayman's Hat Show

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cayman is all set to be stylin' and warm this fall and winter!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Piano at my Parents' House

A Saturday Afternoon at the Park

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Game of Frisbee

What would make three men stand outside the Women's rest room, scratching their heads??

Let's rewind...

Just a few minutes prior...

Mark Sr., Mark, and Mike were playing Frisbee.

A crazy throw by Mark. landed the Frisbee on top of the Women's rest room.
They beckoned help, calling loud and clear for Sidney. My five year old niece came running, bravely to the rescue. The game was saved!
CeCe, watched nearby.

As soon as Sidney's feet were back on the ground CeCe called out, "Is it my turn to get the Frisbee? I want to do that."


The plastic teddy bear from my birthday post story.

My Girl

Friday, July 24, 2009

I've Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

When it's Cold Outside I've got the Month of May

What Can Make Me Feel This Way??

My Girl!

"Thank You, God, for letting us keep her on this side of Heaven."

Madison's Secret

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I was sitting on the bar stool around the center island in my mom's kitchen. Madison climbed up on the stool next to me. She stared at me with her lips pressed tightly together and the corners of her mouth turning up into a grin.

I wondered what she was up to.

She leaned forward and whispered, "Krissy, I have a secret to tell you."

Then she smiled big and wide, revealing her secret.

She had her first visit from the tooth fairy!

Rate My Space

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Have you ever browsed's Rate My Space?

I do!!

But for the first, I am a participant.

Check out Cayman's Room on their website by clicking here.

Waterpark Pictures Retrieved

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My brilliant Mike, along with his co-worker Ken (a.k.a our neighbor), retrieved my lost pictures from the waterpark! I thought the pictures were gone forever! What a great day it was when I saw my pictures return!

Before the system could crash again, we quickly backed up all the pictures!

Now my computer has a brand new hard drive and is working far!

It's been a long month of service checks, waiting, and finally my computer is functioning properly. Apparently Dell is not the way to go if you want quick and efficient customer service.

Hat Model

Monday, July 20, 2009

Another one of my hat creations

Poor Baby

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cayman is getting 5 teeth, all at the same time! All four First Year Molars and one Lateral Incisor on the bottom.

Poor baby!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

After we checked out of the waterpark hotel, we headed across the road to Cabela's.

We aren't really the hunting, fishing, or hiking type, but it's still fun to check out all the amazing wildlife displays in the wilderness store.

Daddy is trying to get Cayman to look at the bear but she is most interested in his hat and sunglasses.

Cayman yawned...

And 5 seconds later, she was asleep!

A Mini-Vacation

Friday, July 17, 2009

We have been on vacation for the last couple days!

My very good friend Tammi, her husband Matt, and their three kids (Hunter, Keegan, and Triniti) flew in from Arizona to remind us all back here in Ohio that they haven't forgotten us. It has been two years since they packed up and moved their sweet family to Arizona. We have missed them!!

To spend some extra time with our friends during their visit back to Ohio and sneak in a much needed get-away for us, Mike took a couple days off work and we joined the James family at the Holiday Inn Waterpark.

Cayman seemed to be opinion-less about the waterpark. She was quiet most of the time with very few expressions! She didn't have much to "say" about the lazy river. Cayman was most happy and full of smiles when she was moving fast down the waterslides.

Mike, Cayman, and I stayed one extra day at the waterpark after we said a very difficult good-bye to our friends. Cayman even gave Tammi a kiss. If you remember from this post, I wrote about how she's very stingy about her kisses.

I had another mishap occur with my computer (which returned to me this week) but unfortunately all of my pictures from our time with the James' at the waterpark are gone! So sad! Thank God Tammi took a lot of pictures! I will have to get copies from her.

But here are a few pictures from the extra day we stayed...

I'm pretty certain that that is an exaggerated expression on Mike's face unless he finds the kiddie slide pretty intense...(see below)

When the "Splash" bucket up top gets filled up with water, a bell dings, the bucket tips, and spills out heaping amounts of water!

I did manage to capture one smile from Cayman while floating on the Lazy River and she's only smiling because Mike is pushing the tube along quickly. This kid is built for speed!

It's too bad the waterpark's rules do not allow a child Cayman's size to go down the waterslides. It was Cayman's favorite part and we would have done it all day if we were allowed!

***Please keep Tammi and her family in your prayers again! In this past post of mine I asked you to pray for their daughter Triniti. This dear family has received more devastating news. Tammi has been diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. Please join me in asking God to work His miracles for this sweet family.