Scooting All Around

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A little over a month ago, I wrote about Cayman's reluctancy to move beyond the edge of the carpet of our family room.

Well, it's not a problem anymore.

With her own version of crawling that has become more like a slither, she scoots all over our house independently.

It just suddenly happened one day when I was sitting on the couch reading. Cayman must have gotten bored with the toy she was playing with on the floor. So she ditched it and away she went scooting out of the family room, into the dining room, and rounding the corner to the rest of the house.

It was hilarious. I giggled as I watched her independent mind at work. She wanted to go someplace, so she did!

And she does!

What a funny, adorable little girl she is!

Here's some photos of her playing with a car in the hallway, just outside of her bedroom. She went in her room and got that toy herself...

Cayman is so much happier now.

Before she moved around our house by her own free will, she would sit in our family room and fuss, crab, and cry frequently. We continuously had to bring her new toys or things to do.

In a child development article, I had read that toddlers get into things because their little minds are demanding to be stimulated, learn, and figure things out.

I think just like a typical toddler, Cayman's mind was craving new stimulation and learning all the time but her body just would not allow her to go places. So she relied only on us to bring stimulation to her.

It was exhausting keeping up with her cognitive needs and short attention spans. It was nearly constant one-on-one contact to keep her happy.

But now that Cayman has learned how to move around and has expanded her trust boundaries of our house, she is so much happier. And it's made my household agenda feel easier too.

When I'm cleaning while Cayman's playing, if she gets bored she just moves onto the next thing or the next room, independently. She no longer sits there and cries waiting for me to find something new for her to do (well, most of the times anyways).

She still might not toddle, but she is definitely a toddler on the move now.

She has slithered over to the door stops to check those out...

She has pulled the magnets off the refrigerator and tries to figure out how to get them to re-stick...

She has endlessly pushed and pulled the dining chairs out and back in...

She has scooted over to the entry way to check out the front door (I think she's watching for Daddy to get home)...

She has slipped her fingers under a closed door to understand what that's all about...

She's even stuck her hand in the dirt of my plant that sits at the foot of the fireplace hearth (she wasn't too happy when she discovered it was dirty)...

And Mike and I, we can be found peering around the corner, careful to not be seen by her for fear of interrupting her "busy" exploring agenda, as we proudly watch her independent mind discover the world...or just our house anyways.

12 Showin' Comment Love:

Kendra said...

That little girl is amazing. I love your descriptions, and I just picture every story you tell! We'll definitely have to get together this summer. Eric will play softball at the park, so we'll swing over for a walk or something.

Angela said...

You should do an array of tiny slip-n-slide pathways outdoors for her this summer haha Lawn gets watered and Caymen explores beyond the house and works on her slither :D (Um, but don't make them too tiny 'cause I'd like to come explore with her.)

Beth said...

I LOVE IT!!! What a wonderful post and Way to Go, Cayman!! Great work! I swear that child gets cuter with every post!!!

Sara said...

That is awesome! I love her PJ's too!!

Stephanie said...

Go Cayman go. There is lipstick to find , pots and pans to bang. cupboards to be emptied. Keep on scooting.

Grandma S said...

Cayman can just scoot on over to Grandma's anytime she wants.

David said...

way to go cayman!

Lisa Christine said...

I guess that means it's time to baby proof the house :)

Great job Cayman!

(also, I just love your wood floors. They are gorgeous!)

Gabriella said...

That's just amazing! Great for you for documenting the little things she's exploring!

Diane said...

Cayman is one awesome little girl. I love to hear that she is scooting all around the house.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Audrey Sue's Mommy said...

This post brings a HUGE smile across my face :) I know exactly what you mean!!! It's wonderful isn't it?

Enjoy saying "no-no" more and more :)

She looks so independent - what a big girl!!

Grandma Cindy said...

Slip-n-slide? SET THE DATE. Grandma Cindy has one still in the box. XOXOXO