The Hat Winner

Monday, April 5, 2010

By Random Number Generator, the winner of my hat giveaway is:

Diana Parker

Congratulations!! Email me and we'll start chatting about what kind of hat you want.

And as promised, I am re-opening my hat store so you can have one of my creations too, but I've moved its location to my other blog site:

I'll only be accepting orders for one week though (thru April 12th) and then I'll be closing the store again for now. So place your orders quick!

4 Showin' Comment Love:

Grandma S said...

I love the random number generator. Sam and I are sitting in a restaurant picking numbers between 1 and 100.

Lisa Christine said...

Diana is one of my dear friends here in WA!!! Hooray Diana! You are going to look darling in your new hat :)

Diana Parker said...

I'm so excited! Actually, my friend's first grandchild was born-teeny tiny 4 pounds 4 ounces, and I'm thinking a little girlie had would be perfect! :)

Tiff said...

Congrats, Diana, you won't be disappointed. Now, I'm off to shop...