{Stream of Conscious Mind}

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dear Diary,

I am Sick. Scratchy throat, coughing, cloudy head, major congestion. I hate being sick. Little Cayman is too and she seems to be carrying a fever with it. Yesterday it spiked to 104! Freaking out mama. We made a dreaded visit to the local E.R. for Cayman. I hate going to that place for so many reasons. About an hour and a half later we were blessedly walking back out the doors headed for home. It is just normal sickness. That's nice. I am amazed that Cayman did not have a seizure with that high of a temperature. I praise Jesus highly for that one! Mike is sick as well but he's this big, strong man that can stand up to colds well. I am so glad about that. Mainly for his sake that he doesn't suffer but partly for the self-ish side of me that appreciates him waiting on his girls hand and foot when he is around. I am a lucky girl. I hate being sick, did I mention that already? Especially for this week. We have so many appointments. This could be Cayman's physical therapist's last week before she goes on a 3 month maternity leave and we love her. We do not want to miss saying good-bye. I also have my big anatomy ultrasound. And I had a dentist appointment for myself today which has already been canceled (spp, *in a whisper* I'm not all that sad about that though). But in truth I know I need to go and putting it off is really not doing me any favors. I've already had to promise Mike like a billion times that I will follow through with rescheduling and I always keep my promises. So I will, but not until after I get my talking voice back. I am not happy that these nasty colds have already ruined this past weekend for me. Well, maybe "ruined" is too strong of a word. But they definitely put a damper on the fun. We were in Columbus. Mike went to the Buckeyes football game with his family. Cayman and I hung out with one of my friends which also use to be my co-worker when I lived in Columbus. She's a massage therapist too and for two hours she massaged me! Oh-la-la, I am a lucky girl! She got my sinuses draining but not enough to take this nasty cold away. Cayman was a perfect angel and played the whole time. Baby #2 loved the massage I do believe. So many kicks and movements I felt from that precious little life growing inside of me. Then Cayman and I napped, and swam at the hotel. We ate, played, and just hung out with no distractions of the chores that call my name when we are at home. Sounds just wonderful doesn't it? And it was, except for the part that our colds were beginning to take full bloom and run down our energy. Actually I should restate that. It ran down my energy. How do kids do it? Cayman still managed to jump up and down on the bed, and move around like nothing felt different to her. She only stopped long enough to cough and sniffle. That was until Sunday morning when she woke up with her high fever. Fevers, seizures, and shunt failures are the only things that slow her down. You know, only the really big, major stuff. Unlike me. I lay and wallow in my mundane head colds. I hate being sick, but I think I told you that already. But instead of laying in bed moping I am taking myself to the Naturopathic Doctor's office today. I have said in the past that I am changing my ways where that can be done and visit him first and only the doctor second if he wasn't able to help. And maybe there will be a chance we will all be feeling better shortly. By tomorrow isn't too much to ask, right? :)



8 Showin' Comment Love:

David said...


i was watching the ohio st. game on saturday and wondering if the stamms were there. now i know!

one day left on your poll. maybe i'll go put in a last minute vote.

i think i proposed a giveaway for this blog a few days ago. how's that coming along? ;)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel being sick and having your little one sick too especially when a little cold for someone else can actually be very dangerous for your little one. Hope you feel better soon!

Grandma S said...

That picture looks just like you. I had to laugh and wonder if Mike took it!

Lisa Christine said...

Oh dear, oh dear. If there is one thing worse than having a sick child, it's being a sick mother and having to take care of sick child.

Hope you are all sniffle-free before too long.

Lizzy still has a bad cold too. I'm afraid it may have turned into a sinus infection. Needless to say, no school for her tomorrow. I'm thinking a visit to the doctors office instead...

Tiffany said...

Feel better soon!!!

Kristen said...


Your giveaway proposal is still stirring in my mind. I've got some ideas but I think I am going to save it for when I launch my new blog site, which will hopefully be in a month. There's still some work I need to get done on it before I put it public.

Carrie said...

I was sick when I was 5 months pregnant - and what got me through was the Neti-pot! Very homeopathic! Have you tired one? I got mine at Kroger - can get them most places.

Jill S. said...

Sad to hear that you are sick! It stinks being the mommy who is sick...so glad Mike is taking good care of you :)---though I never doubted he would :)