Home Sweet Home

Friday, May 14, 2010

There is much peace we feel at home. There is a sort of calmness here. A slower pace we feel as we bask in our blessings.

All around me I am reminded of this past week's miracle God has done in our lives.

...I see it in the left over snack puffs growing stale on her high chair tray...

...I see it in the alphabet magnets scattered across the bottom of the refrigerator...

...I see it in the balls laying in the hallway just outside of her room...

...I see it in the tiny clothes in the hamper awaiting their next washing...

...I see it in the stack of burp cloths laying on my bed stand from the night she got sick...

...I see it in the onesie that was cut off her body in the E.R...

...I see it in the tiny stray socks laying in our family room, left where she last took them off...

...I see it in the pink towel and washcloth hung to dry from her last bath...

...I see it in the cartoon character toothbrush resting next to mine...

I have become so aware of all these types of things in our home.

These things, they are traces of Cayman's life here and how she leaves her mark on our home.

I felt no burden yesterday tidying up these beautiful clutter trails Cayman had made the day before she got sick because I knew soon she'd be making new ones.

I stopped to think about that for a moment...

Realizing that if God would not have returned her to our arms, all these traces of where her life was last lived in our home, it would have been painful uncluttering the space knowing I would never get to do it again.

All I can say is I have so much gratefulness in my heart and I am filled with a joy that stretches beyond the limits of what my words can express.

The week Cayman experienced a shunt failure severe enough to result in cardiac arrest.

19 Showin' Comment Love:

Unknown said...

SO glad to see that Cayman is home...

Your video is an amazing piece of work!! I loved it!

I can imagine you and Mike are looking forward to getting back to "normal"!!


Colette said...

So delighted for you all..and lovely to see Cayman smiling and happy!

What a beatiful post and video...

Best wishes and love to you all!

Gabriella said...

Beautiful. Just beautiful. God bless your family. God bless Cayman.

Tiffany said...

What a beautiful reminder of how precious life is. Thanks for the cry this morning. ;) So very glad you are home.

Lindsey Alexander said...

Your video gave me chills! Praise the Lord for Cayman's swift recovery!


Cheryl said...

AWESOME POST!!!!!!!!! Isn't God wonderful. We must NEVER take a day with our loved ones for granted.

Mary said...

Love it. So amazing to watch her personality come thru even in the midst of all the wires and tubes. At least the tears were happy this time since I knew you were home and there was a happy ending to this story.

Grandma S said...

A beautiful video. I love how it looks like Cayaman is playing with the little storage bin. It looks like she is doing "bumpy nose" with it. When she is pointing to the baby in the book, is she then pointing to the baby in the room?

But, my favorite part is the video of you and Cayman together playing by the window. There is such joy in both of your faces--no stress, no anxiety, no fear--just pure joy.

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy for your family!! Thank you for opening your family to being carried by the Body of Christ in this situation. God is so amazing and I can't wait to see Cayman continue to grow up and become more beautiful each day! Praise the Lord!

Jodi said...

Miracles truly do happen! Loved your video...you are SO blessed!! Hoping Cayman is doing well! Prayers to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job on Caymans video! So glad that Cayman is feeling so much better!

Shannon said...

This is amazing. I'm so happy and can't help but praise God for His mercy!! Thanks for sharing such precious moments with all of us...we continue to pray! :)

Diane said...

That video was absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing.

Diane, Tyler's mom

*Monica said...

I can't tell you how grateful I am that you share Cayman with us. I am so so very happy that she is well and home!

Audrey Sue's Mommy said...

That was an amazing video!! I am so happy the THREE of you are home again!
thank you for sharing all those moments in the hospital.

Diana Parker said...

That was beautiful. And when she laughs, the whole world lights up!

Lisa Christine said...

I squeeled when I saw her winding the little caterpillar!!! Hooray! She is so coordinated :)

This was such a heart warming movie to watch. I am so, so happy that your live have been blessed with sweet little Cayman.

I agree, Long Live the Cayman!

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce and Sarah. Miracles are indeed extraordinary!!! Such a moving testimony to His greatness. You have truly captured this journey in a magnificent video. Sarah got such a kick out of Cayman dumping all her stuff out of the bin. Her smiles of accomplishment were priceless. I think she is going to keep you quite busy the next few months:)

Anonymous said...

Such a moving video of Cayman's recent shunt failure.

A moment you will never forget! xx