
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Washing the window.

Cayman seems to have made another leap in development lately. Cognitively she is taking in things with a greater understanding.

Even though she doesn't toddle, she really does seem like a toddler to me and I catch myself when I call her a baby still. I know she'll always be my baby but in true light, she really is no longer a baby. She is my little toddler and I have to say I am enjoying this stage a lot.

Cayman is in a mimicking phase right now. It is hilarious watching her repeat actions that we did not even realize she was observing. For example, when I'm on the floor folding a pile of laundry, she'll make her way over, pick up a towel, shirt, or whatever was in that load, shake it out and then crumple it up, trying to mimic the folding action. So cute! And so smart!

She also wipes the tray on her high chair clean with sweeping movements of the washcloth back and forth.

She even scooted her way over to the patio doors one day where I was busy cleaning the windows. Cayman picked up a paper towel and started to wipe it across the window just as she saw me doing.

But I think my absolute favorite is when she picks up my chapstick, with the cap still intact, she touches it to her mouth, and then blots her lips together.

So cute. So smart.

My little toddler.

14 Showin' Comment Love:

Grandma S said...

I love how she copies us when we yawn or sigh. She is one smart cookie!

Lisa Christine said...

She is smart!

I think you should post a picture of her yawning like Grandma S mentioned. That sounds adorable.

One more thing....that picture is amazing! (I know I say that a lot...but your phtotography skills always have me in awe!)

Uncle Ty Ty said...

Child labor laws!!!! I'll save you Cayman!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha Uncle Ty!! She definitely is a toddler now!! That's so exciting!!

Jill S. said...

A toddler she definately is!!

Josephine said...

Such a smart little girl :) These little ones definitely know how to melt their mother's hearts!

David said...

enjoy it while you can. how many kids actually want to help do chores like laundry and window washing? lol

word verificatoin is diumm

Sherri said...

What a smartie! Miles does these kinds of things too. His favorite is to copy someone who is coughing or sneezing!!

Carrie said...

That is such a sweet picture! I love it when our children copy us.

Mary said...

Love it! Such a huge milestone and opportunity to learn when our kiddos start to mimic. Plus it is super entertaining for mom and dad.

SuzanSayz said...

Ooooooooh! My heart just melted. Her little personality is obviously very well developed. I just love seeing her showing what a little smarty pants she is. (If it was Lorelai I was talking about I would have needed to say smarty "shoes" instead. Several months ago when I was watching her for the day I called her a smarty pants and for some reason she did NOT like it. So I came up with smarty shoes. That got her okay and ever since I try to always remember to say smarty shoes instead of pants.)
Just a little Sorenson family trivia there.

Stephanie said...

How cute. I wanna see a video of the chap stick! So cute!!

Diane said...

She is so smart and adorable.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Krissy said...

reading this brought tears to my eyes. Cayman is such a little miracle, and I LOVE reading about her new developments! She continues to amaze me!