Madison's Birthday

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Madison turned

well technically tomorrow she will,
but it worked out best for the party to take place over the weekend.

As you can tell by the blue theme in the pictures below, that is Madison's favorite color.

There's that special bear adorning the birthday girl's place setting.
The juice was even blue, how cool is that?

Madison was in charge of the party's menu. She wanted Spaghetti with meatballs.

Madison is a full-blown girly girl. She's all about princesses, crowns, and glitter. That is why it was quite entertaining when she opened this present revealing a Tonka toy and ecstatically proclaimed, "I've been wanting this!"

A Victoria's Secret box was reused to wrap one of Madison's gifts. I'm not sure if she really knew what that was but I'm guessing by all of our silly snickering she had to put on a show like she was less than amused about it.

But once she found a new paint set inside, then she was quite happy!

Grandma Cindy showed Cayman how to dip her hand in a jar of lotion and then smear it between her hands. Cayman was willing to give it a try which completely touched me since for so long she's been tactile defensive.

Cayman signing "eat".

I love this adorable look on Cayman's face as she eagerly watches Grandma opened a piece of candy for her.

11 Showin' Comment Love:

Grandma Cindy said...

Not just any piece of candy - Dove chocolate and peanut butter! Cayman LOVED it!! Hard to believe Madison is turning 5 and Cayman will soon be 2!!! Great pix Kris!

Carey said...

FUN! I love parties :) Cayman looks like such a big girl in these pics, Kris!

Joyce said...

Happy 5th Birthday Madison!!! You are becoming such a beautiful grown up girl. I love reading about you and Cayman and seeing all the things you two girls are accomplishing.

Krissy said...

Happy Birthday, Madison! Love the photos, Kristen! I loved the candy picture the best, she is too cute!

My name is Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Madison!! I love your party hat and your cake looks yummy.

The James Family said...

Happy Birthday Madison!! I can't believe you are 5!! I remember when you first came home - you were such a tiny little baby!! And SOOOO very cute! Happy Birthday!! We love you and miss you!

Jennifer said...

I love Madison's bright eyes! She's so pretty!

Aunt Sam said...


I love the look on Cayman's face too, she is always so adorable! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!! :)

Ann said...

Happy Birthday Madison! What joy she must bring to your family. Just looking at her pictures put a smile on my face. You did a wonderful job capturing the moments!

Anonymous said...

I love how you weave Cayman's development into a backdrop of your larger family - which is really how it happens, eh? You are a good storyteller! Barbara

Lisa Christine said...

What a party!!

It's too bad that we live so far apart....I bet Madison and Lorelai would be great friends!