Thumb Brace, Part 4

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Remember Cayman's most current thumb brace?

Well, she's gotten smart and has learned to take it off.

So we got smarter. We began putting it on her very carefully and quietly after she had fallen asleep for a nap and at night.

But she got even smarter and started to take it off during her sleep.

So her occupational therapist moved onto another plan of action, called Kinesio Taping.

The tape is working handsomely. Well, maybe not handsomely. It certainly is not the most attractive looking brace and we're asked about 5,000 times a day what happened to the poor baby's hand.

(We don't mind being asked by the way. On the contrary, it's become an enjoyable challenge for me, thinking up new ways of explaining it so I don't sound like a broken record to myself.)

So the Kinesio Taping is a great social ice breaker, it is serving its supportive thumb purposes, and Cayman is leaving it on...

for now.

I am grateful for Cayman's ability to learn.

thumb brace, Part I
thumb brace, Part II
thumb brace, Part III

16 Showin' Comment Love:

Sue said...

This really made me smile....just when you think you have her all figured out....she invents new ways around it!!! What a joy she is to you!!

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. It has been such a pleasure to watch the progress Cayman has been making. I have no doubt she will soon figure out how to get this tape off too:)

Beth said...

What a great problem to have - she is getting too smart for the thumb brace!!!!! She is adorable and as creative as you are - you could come up with some kind of cover. When Bella broke her arm I made princess covers for her cast (it was not a cool plaster cast you could get in color)!!!

Anonymous said...

Olivia does the taping on her knee...we found some in pink and purple!! ;)

Tara said...

How funny is she! You have to love when they find ways around everything!

Diane said...

I wouldn't put anything pass Cayman. Way to go to figure out how to take your brace off. Tyler used to be taped. His was used to turn his forearms the correct way (he used to turn them downward and we want them upward or thumbs up). Luckily Cayman's is tan colored. For awhile, Tyler had to use a florescent blue color and it went from his hand all the way to his shoulder. Not so attractive, but it helped so that's all that matters.

I can't wait to see if Cayman figures out how to get this one off.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Lisa Christine said...

Maybe not HANDSOMEly.....but I would definitely say HANDsomely. You know, because it's on her hand and all. te he he.

David said...

what happened to poor cayman's hand?

Kidding! lol

it's a popular commenting day on here, i am not even close to 1st.

lisa also likes it when people comment on elisabeth.

David said...

LOLOLOL just saw lisa's joke. very clever, lisa! it rivals the one i made yesterday on brooke's page.

Grandma Cindy said...

what?!? NO pictures of that cute little face????

Stephanie said...

I love when babies figure things out. Cayman you go girl!

Aunt Sam said...

I can't wait to see Cayman this weekend!! and you and mike too! hehe. :)

M.W. said...

They make PINK kinesiotape! They actually make all colors! Maybe your OT order a color that Cayman likes a little better than brown!


Michelle said...

YOu know you're doing it right when you are both incredibly frustrated and incredibly proud all in the same moment!

Ann said...

What a clever little girl! I just love watching her grow up.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful you have such a good OT. Barbara