What do you do, when your nose itches and politely scratching it just is not getting the job done?
What do you do, when your nose itches and politely scratching it just is not getting the job done?

Dig a little deeper and hope nobody is watching.
11 Showin' Comment Love:
Does she fling it across them room like a relative of her's does???
LOL this reminds me of a billboard I saw once in Belgium, of a guy in his car doing what Cayman is doing, thinking nobody is watching, and the only text on the ad says "VUE" which is french for 'seen' or maybe 'spotted' which i guess would apply to cayman here lol and i'm not exactly sure what kind of product that billboard was pitching. interesting ad.
and if you're interested, my word verification word today is 'raccvgar' :)
Oh I couldn't help but laugh! This is the cutest thing! Cayman is such a comedian!
She's so cute!!!
I just adore everything about this little girl!
LOL! Thats too cute! Kadyn does that all the time!
big game today! Go Hawkey...uh, i mean...Go Buckeyes!
I predict that one of the "eyes" will win.
That's so funny! Definitely the kind of thing my girls would find funny! I'll have to show them as soon as the come inside from swinging on the playset :)
That's pretty funny!!
Diane, Tyler's mom
I think she's the missing member of our family....
true and cute!
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