Fall Experiences: HOT APPLE CIDER

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I drank a lot of apple cider during the Fall of '07 when I was pregnant with Cayman. We kept a constant supply of it in the refrigerator, right next to the crunchy Kosher dill pickles. When the Fall season was nearing the end and the Apple Cider supply was dwindling in the stores, we bought several jugs and froze them for the months ahead. It was a classic experience of an intense pregnancy craving I had.

So I would almost expect Cayman to have a natural love for apple cider.

But she looked at it in disgust...

Then she looked at me....

Looked back at it...

Then she tried it...

She drank just one ounce...

And then went on her way.

12 Showin' Comment Love:

Grandma Cindy said...

Love the picture where she is looking at you. It's like she is saying "what are you up to?" with a gleam in her eye. She is just ADORABLE!!! XOXOXOXO

P.S. Did she throw the bottle?

Shannon said...

HAHA! Maybe she just had enough during the pregnancy. :) Too funny!

Diane said...

Apple cider is the best. Too bad Cayman doesn't enjoy the great taste. Maybe she already had her share of it in the womb..hehe!! That just means more for you :-)

Diane, Tyler's mom

Jill S. said...

Umm hot apple cider!! I love it!! Too cute are her pictures! And congrats on your etsy store. I don't know how long you've had that there before I noticed.

Just so you know...exactly one month and I will be at your house!! I cannot wait!! I can already picture us sitting watching the kids playing; sipping a hot drink and knitting. It's a beautiful picture in my mind. I'm so excited to see you again!

Anna said...

The day I was born, my mom played countless games of Yatzee with my dad and my aunt while they were waiting to go to the hospital. To this day I don't like to play Yatzee. Maybe it worked the same way with Cayman and apple cider. :)

Lisa Christine said...

It's funny, because yesterday I was trying to think of what other 'fall experiences' that you might be sharing with us...and apple cider was the first thing that came to my mind! So I was excited to open up your blog and see this post!

I got a chuckle out of Cayman's reaction...lol. She reminds me of Elisabeth and her glasses....they just ditch whatever it is they don't want and carry on with their days!!

Tara said...

I had to laugh at your pictures. I too had a love for pickles while pregnant. To this day Michelle will not touch a pickle. Or a slim jim come to think of it. However my love for chocolate has seemed to pass straight to them.

I personally love Apple Cider. My kids would rather have warm cocoa.

David said...

fall experiences is a great feature on your blog!

Sara said...

I loved Apple cider when I was pregnant too, although I was only 3 months pregnant and then the apple cider was taken away from me. LUckly where I worked, they kept it all year around!

Kristen said...

Grandma Cindy,

Yep, when she was finished she threw the bottle to the side.

You know how she rolls.

Anonymous said...

I just love hot/cold/warm apple cider!!

And I just saw your Etsy announcement...congrats!!

Katie said...

yep...I agree with Shannon...she had her fill in utero!