Cayman's bedroom was the first room in our house that I painted after we moved in. I had been thinking about my baby's nursery long before I was even pregnant. I was full of ideas and very eager to get started. I had been hit by the "nesting" bug for a long time and it felt great to finally make a space of our own!
I love the way Cayman's room turned out!If I had to choose my favorite part of Cayman's room, it would be her crib quilt and bumper. It's from Pottery Barn that I found on Ebay. I immediately fell in love with it. The seller's "Buy It Now" price was more than I could afford nor willing to pay for such an item no matter how beautiful it is! The seller and I negotiated back and forth for about a week and finally the seller worked her price down to my comfort zone and I bought it!
Also on Ebay, I found these watercolor paintings a very talented lady does to match the Pottery Barn's quilts (seller: lorilynnayres). These flowers are a replica of the ones found on the crib quilt I bought.
We did not have enough money in our budget to update the green carpeting in Cayman's room. My solution to that was this rug. I found it online and fell in love! But again, came across the same issue as the crib was too expensive. But before I gave up hope, I called a carpet outlet store that is near one of Cayman's doctor's offices. My parents have always had great luck finding quality flooring there for a fraction of the cost. So I called the outlet store, gave them the name and designer of this rug and asked if they could order it for me. It was and it was $150 cheaper than the online price plus without having to pay the shipping cost. What a deal! Now the outdated green carpeting doesn't bother me nearly as bad!
I painted the dresser and trunk knobs pink, just to add a little extra girly touch!
This quote is so fitting, wouldn't you say?
The white vinyl letters were not showing up well over top of the light yellow walls, so I bought a poster frame and a piece of foam board. I painted the foam board pink (the same pink as the dresser knobs), and then stuck the quote to the foam board. I cut the board down to the size of the frame. Whaala!
This sentimental decor was a gift from two ladies Mike works with, Janet and Beth. For Cayman's birthday, they gave her money and requested it be put towards something girly and fun for her room. This beautiful framed wall quote hangs on Cayman's wall because of those two generous ladies. "Thank you Janet and Beth!"

13 Showin' Comment Love:
I love Caymans room. It's so girly and cute. You kind of sound like me. I'm all for bargain hunting too!
GREAT job!
BEAUTIFUL!!! I can tell that everything that you put into her room is touched with love and has a purpose. Awesome decorting.
Diane, Tyler's mom
Do you have a degree in interior decorating? I Love Love what you have done.
Can you please come decorate my home in October?
I love Laura Ashley. But after seeing Cayman's room I am going to check out Pottery Barn . Gorgeous!
I LOVE her room!!!!! It's so cute! You did a great job
It's beautiful! Would you like to do my kids rooms? I just don't have the decorating knack - but you definitely do!
It looks so fabulous! You have such a gift for decorating and organizing. I'm glad you have a place to use it now!
absolutely lovely!
This is one of my favorite posts ever! I love decorating (though I wish I had a better knack for it) and I LOVE girls rooms.
Caymans is perfect. I love everything about it. By the way, I noticed that box sitting on Cayman's bookcase. I have bought boxes just like that to make 1st year time capsules for each of my daughters. In fact, Lorelai's especially looks very similar to that; they must be from the same company.
her room looks beautiful! you did an amazing job~~~
I think the green carpet goes great with the rug! It matches the vines and leaves. What a wonderful, beautiful place for Cayman to call her own. And I love that you are so thrifty!
I don't have a degree in Interior Design, although I've thought about going to school for it. I live in a small community though so I doubt a career in it would be too successful for me as it would be if I lived in a larger area. But I think it would be fun.
Our nursery decor is very similar. We did the PBK bedding and ordered prints off of Ebay too. Her room turned out just perfect and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rug!!!!!
Here is our nursery!!
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