Still No Pictures

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sorry, still no pictures. I promise early next week there will be pictures.

Happy weekend!!

7 Showin' Comment Love:

*Monica said...

no pictures!!! You're grounded!!

I hope you feel better soon

Kristen said...

Ha crack me up Monica!!

Mrs. Smith said...


You being the "blog-savvy" gal that you are, I wondered if you could give me some blogging tips! I haven't been able to figure out a couple things! Something I see you've done on your blog is that you post pictures of things besides just your own person pictures, like of the Taj and the Gatorade bottle for example. How do you do that? (Forgive me, the geek squad I am not!) Also, do you know how to change the size of the pictures so that when you post them, they are a little bigger. It seems like mine are so small and you have to click on the picture and bring it up to full screen to really see it well. Any suggestions? Thanks! Sheila

Mrs. Smith said...

Thank you thank you thank you! I feel kinda silly now, a little more attention to detail and I woulda had it! Bigger pictures, check! :) I love your new blog by the way! It's so bright and colorful, and I love crocheting, too! It's been awhile for me, but you've inspired me to give it a try again! I usually did "granny squares". Ever hear of it? It's a very simple, redundant, 3 double crochet stitch that you can use for bigger things like afghans. Really pretty when it's all done! Thanks again! Off to do some more blogging!

Ann said...

How are you feeling?

Lisa Christine said...

Go have yourself a nice bowl of chicken noodle soup and feel better soon :)

Kristen said...

I'm feeling better.