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Sunday, September 7, 2008

I have had to learn to share my toys...err I mean computer...with Mike as he has needed it for resume and job hunting purposes. :o) In the small window of opportunities that I have access to it I have tried to keep up with my other blog buddies and keep our blog updated as well. I have not been very successful. I have left out some very HUGE news that we received from the Cardiologist on Friday. I feel so silly for forgetting to share something that was completely breath-taking awesome news to hear!!

The Cardiologist said that True Vascular Ring (that's what Cayman has) is a condition that he does see occur regularly but rarely by itself. He said normally there will be other heart defects along with it. In a perinatal ultrasound at 28 weeks, Cayman had an enlarged heart ventricle. The doctor said, "The MRI after she was born showed the ventricle was no longer enlarged and somehow seemed to clear up on its own."

All those times when I was pregnant and kept praying, "Please help my baby, God." He did...


and is!

Thank You God!!

There's another piece of BIG news that we were excited about that I forgot to add in about her Vision Screening report. Here's what the report said:

Cayman was seen for vision screening...There were concerns about how Cayman is using her eyes and how well she is seeing. Cayman has irregular pupil/iris effecting both eyes...however is unaware the extent of effects on the retina and other eye structures...Cayman was alert and active for the vision screening with Teller Acuity Cards. She scored below age level however it was noted she began to anticipate the presentation of the cards. She tracked each card vertically & horizontally when presented slowly. She has voluntary side-to-side eye movements. The rate of movement was faster with left eye versus right eye...Due to results of Teller Acuity Cards, it is advised to contact the Ophthalmologist office for an earlier appointment to evaluate her current visual status. This information will be helpful with her development and expectations. A consultation with a teacher for students with visual advised to assist with providing family with appropriate visual skills development.

From this vision test we learned that Cayman has healthy cognitive thinking. We saw this in the report 'it was noted she began to anticipate the presentation of the cards'.

Those Teller Acuity Cards are fun! They are a large rectangular board/card. The background is a light gray with a black and white stripped box. With each card the black and white stripes get thinner making it tougher for the eyes to track. The Vision Therapist held up each card, then put it down, turned the card around, and held it up again so that the black and white stripped box was now on the opposite side. After about the 3rd card Cayman started to look at the opposite side anticipating the box's change of location. The Vision Therapist had to start alternating where she moved the box around to "trick" her.

Cognitive thinking...

Thank You God!!

When Cayman was just a few days old her Neurosurgeon came by my hospital room and had a meeting with Mike and I. He very tenderly but honestly gave us the report from her brain MRI. It was officially documented that her Corpus Callosum and Septum Pellucidum were absent from her brain, which they were suspicious of during the fetal ultrasounds. Then we learned the news did not stop there. The two halves of Cayman's brain were completely split apart, possibly separated from the extreme amount of fluid accumulated. This diagnosis is called Schizencephaly.

These MRI scans were done at birth. The darkened areas is all the fluid, and the lighter gray is the brain matter.

I remembered the word "Schizencephaly" from my internet research on Hydrocephalus when I was still pregnant with Cayman. It is a very rare condition with a horrible report. I skipped over it and thought "I'm not even going to bother reading that because that's not what my baby has."

Mike asked the Neurosurgeon that day, "What does this mean for Cayman...where will we see this affect her?" Dr. Maher continued to remain very gentle in his tone and expressions as he answered our questions. He told us, "The part of her brain that is injured controls a lot...personality, cognitive thinking, language skills...all very huge things." I remember when he had said that I wanted them to take Cayman and stuff her back inside of me because somehow she felt safer there than on the other side of the hospital in the NICU so far away.

Over the last 6 months Cayman has definitely shown a strong personality and normal baby babbling language skills, and from this current vision screening she showed cognitive thinking.

It's been humbling looking back and recalling the details from those weeks in the NICU. Mike and I don't look back very often. Those are some painful scary memories, especially looking at those first brain scans. All these memories though are tucked away in a very dear place for they are still Cayman's first days of life...the days when Mike and I first became parents...that was exciting! Those long 3 weeks of continuous reports and tests have brought Mike and I to a blessed place...a place where we do not take any of Cayman's progress for granted...each accomplishment...each milestone is a miracle and a gift...and while we can remember every sad tear during those NICU weeks we are reminded at how far Cayman has come and how faithful God has been.

8 Showin' Comment Love:

Lisa Christine said...

This gave me chills. Cayman is such a blessing! She has overcome so much. She has grown, and is learning and discovering the world around her! She is a miracle, and a testament of God's great love.

I pray that she will continue to thrive, and surpass all expectations that were set for her. She has amazed the doctors so far, and I am sure she will keep on amazing them!

I am so happy for your family :)

Sara said...

That is so great to hear!!! I also cryed a little when i read this. It was beautiful! Im so happy!!! Im about to jump and run in cicrles.

Oh and to answer you're question, Harvey and I are working on things...basically just going slow and see were we go, we just want Kadyn to grow up knowing what family means, and having the full love of a family.

Sherri said...

God is sooo good! This is so exciting. I can not believe how strong these little ones are! It is absolutely amazing to see how God is molding each one of our little babies.

Jill S. said...

You know how awesome that is!!! It just goes to show that God, not medicine, is in control!! God is STILL in the business of miracles, and we get to watch them happen before our very eyes. Not everyone is so blessed!!!

Jennifer said...

That is so awesome!! God is a God of healing and grace!! Sooo...we want more pics of the cutie. :)

Lisa Christine said...

Hi! I just went and read your comment to Mitch about Gilmore Girls. Wasn't that a fun post? It was great to read everyone's different thoughts :)

Shannon said...

I love how this post puts so much into perspective! Cayman is doing SOOO great! I remember praying through so many unknowns with you guys when I was new to reading your blog...and that was before Cayman was born! It wasn't until reading this post that I really looked back in detail and marvelled at what a journey this has been! Thanks be to God!!
Even though I haven't met you and your sweet family personally, I really feel like I've gotten to know you all through this blog! My girls still ask almost daily if they can look at pictures of Cayman, and they still remember her nightly in their prayers, so y'all have really touched their little hearts too!
Much love your way!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy 6 months precious Cayman!!! You are such a BLESSING!!! We THANK God for you & all that He is doing in you!!! We love you!!! XOXOXO