Sadako Japanese Restuarant

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cayman saw her Cardiologist today. It was a good report. The doctor expected that Cayman's heart condition would be causing a problem by now and he would be scheduling her for surgery but she's doing great! Here's a quick recap on what her heart condition is:

The arteries that come out of the top of Cayman's heart wrap around her windpipe and esophagus. This is called True Vascular Ring.

As she gets bigger this "ring" will likely squeeze her windpipe and esophagus causing her to to have trouble breathing and swallowing. The good news is it's an easy, one time fix surgery. It's never easy seeing Cayman go into surgery but it's somewhat comforting to know that it's not considered major. But so far it's not causing a problem. :o)

After her appointment we ate lunch at a Japanese Restaurant near the hospital. We were given a gift card to this restaurant. It was a blast to eat fun ethnic food and it did not cost us anything. Our sushi did not contain any raw fish so that I could eat it too since I'm nursing...or ahh, breastfeeding... err I mean pumping...or whatever you call what I'm doing.

It was good!!Have you ever had Wasabi? Here's Mike giving a demonstration on how to eat it.

6 Showin' Comment Love:

Shannon said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Death by wasabi...that's awesome! Go Mike! :)

That's great news about Cayman's heart. I'm glad to hear she doesn't have to be rushed into any more surgeries for a while, even if they aren't major.

Very fun pictures, Kristen. :)

Sherri said...

OH! MY! GOSH! I can't believe he ATE that! You two are so cute. Yay for the good report. I didn't know that nursing moms aren't supposed to have raw fish....ooops! Sounds like it was a great day. I was thinking- you guys should move to Nebraska! :)

Anonymous said...

Nebraska??? Only if you take the Grandma too..... :o) ..... Gotta have our adorable little angel close!!!

Sara said...

Omgosh, how funny is Mike!!! I tryed just a little wasabi and i teared up and fell over hehe. There is a japanese restaurant by my work and we used to go there for lunch all the time, free too because they shopped at my work. I stopped going when i got preg and havent gone back, but now i want to LOL!

my life: said...

That looks very yummy...even if I've never tried it. ;^) You guys are completely cute!
Fabulous news on the heart today!

Jill S. said...

Watching Mike eat that made me cough; and I LOVE wasabi!

Nebraska, Nebraska, Nebraska (chanting and pounding my fists on the table) Do you know how much fun that would be!!!! Oh my, we would be quite the trio; You, sherri and I!!

So glad you too were able to go out on the town!!!