Tuesday March 18
9:30 a.m.
Cayman is still puffy. She is on an antibiotic and didn't show any changes with the swelling. They just started her on a diuretic, medicine to help increase her urine output. They hope this will help get rid of the extra fluid her body is retaining. Her only kidney she has is working very well without any problems so that is a relief. Her pain medicine (which is morphine) has been cut back. They hope to keep her less sedated so she'll move around more. Possibly the lack of movement could be making the swelling from going down. It's been fun watching her wiggle. She's been highly sedated for so many days now, that all she does is just lay there, even when she's awake. I watch her videos of when she was first born over and over. She doesn't even seem like the same baby. I have to keep reminding myself that things are not always going to be like this. It is going to get better.
Cayman made a friend last night. A baby boy (Austin) born just yesterday joined her in the NICU. Having a baby in the NICU makes ya surrounded by some of the saddest of times. He's a little sweetheart though. He was transported from a nearby hospital. Everything was going just fine during the labor and suddenly they lost Austin's heartbeat. Austin's daddy said it was only 7 minutes and they had Austin out by C-section. But they don't know how long Austin went without oxygen to his brain. His wife is still at the other hospital recovering and Austin is at U of M.
There is a total of 4 NICU's here at U of M. Two of them are for the more serious cases and the other two are more for the stable babies. Cayman is in one of the more serious one's. One of the little premature babies that has been in the same NICU as Cayman just moved out of it yesterday to one of the less serious one's. Delilah is her name. She was a triple, and her other two siblings passed away. She just had her 3 monthed birthday.
When we came back to the Ronald McDonald last night, we stopped by the kitchen for a snack before bed. There was a girl in there named Rhonda. We started talking and found out she has a baby in the NICU also and she's been here 7 1/2 months with him!! He was born with his intestines in his chest which compromised his lung development. He has a tube that goes into his trachea to help him breath.1:30 p.m.
They started feeding Cayman today through her G-tube. That's the tube that goes right into her stomach through her belly. I was so excited to see they were using my breast milk.
Her puffiness seems to be down some. She's peeing a lot so the diuretic is working. The doctor came by today and said there's a chance that today or tomorrow her breathing tube will come out. Our hopes are high!!
Here's me swabbing Cayman's lips to keep them moist. Since she's under a heater in her bed we can't put lotion on her because it would burn her skin. So she gets a little dry.
Cayman loves her bunny that Grandpa and Grandma Stamm got her.
I love her feet! They're just like her Daddy's...but she has my ears. :o)
Mommy kisses for Cayman.
Today's Update
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Posted by Kristen at 9:36 AM
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Next time I get to swab her lips!!!
Cayman is so beautiful! I'm rejoicing with you over all the good news you're receiving and the new friends you're making there. We'll continue to pray! When the breathing tube comes out, is that when they will start trying oral feedings?
SUCH GREAT NEWS!!! Just another step closer to Grandma getting to snuggle Cayman!
I was telling my husband Josh about all the things you wrote in your blog. When I told him about her eyes and how she may be blind he told me that he got the word from John 9 when Jesus healed the blind man. Jesus deciples asked who had sinned to make this man born blind. Jesus told them,"Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
I pray that this word is a blessing to you.
Our prayers are with you at all times.
I watch her video over and over too and show it to everyone I see. It's unanimous--everyone thinks she's a doll! I can't wait to hear that sweet little cry for myself.
Aunt mmwchvpMadison says to give Cayman kisses for her XOXOXOXO
Madison likes to type things herself...
Kris - I love all the updates you post and all the pictures. I can't wait to see that sweet girl for myself. Tell Cayman to come home soon so Aunt Tammi can come and see her! We love you guys and know that we are praying for you guys everyday - all day! You're on our minds every moment of the day! When Cayman is well you will have to bring her out here for vacation! I'm sure you will all need it! We love you guys!
I love all your pictures!! see you tomorrow!! YAY!! :):)
Cayman is beautiful and such a strong girl, mommy is really strong too!!! We will continue to pray for you all!
I love all the pictures. May I say that you look amazing!! How did you have a baby only a week and a half ago???
It sounds like Cayman is doing so well. How exciting that she may get her breathing tube out! Yay!
I just read the comment from Tammy. I didn't know that they thought Cayman might be blind. Please tell Tammy that i personally really appreciated that bible verse that she quoted. It is very applicable to my life and the way I see God working through our Elisabeth to touch others and help us to grow and to have faith.
She is really very beautiful!!! I know she is doing well - but it breaks my heart to see her with all the tubes - I am crying at work!!!
I love the picture of her foot in the hands!!
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!
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