A Change of Look

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I noticed that Cayman's site was looking a bit dreary with the all black background, so I had to change it! I didn't want it to give the impression that this is a dark time for us. True it is scary with all her birth defects, but we still feel so blessed to have our baby. We still have that first-time-parent excitement of "can you believe she's ours?!"

I finally finished Cayman's hat I was knitting. I'm not sure why it took me so long. Normally I can knit these things up so quickly. I blaim it on being pregnant...I'm slow at everything! I didn't get purple yarn like I said I was going to. But I was given a bright spring green cotton yarn that I'm going to start her next hat with instead.

3 Showin' Comment Love:

Anonymous said...

She'll look good in that hat. I think the next one should be a buckeye hat we can give her in the hospital.

Lisa Christine said...

oh what talent! It will be gorgeous on her I'm sure. Hats are a must....we have built up a huge collection of hats for Elisabeth. I wrote a blog about it sometime in January. Hats are fun.

Jennifer said...

Hi Kristen,
I just caught up reading your blog. March 18!! - a springtime baby! What a wonderful time of the year. - new life, Easter and warmer weather! Keep smiling!!
Jennifer :)