Asking for Prayers While We Stay Watchful

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I did not want to post anything regarding this until we knew more for sure. You have shown us how much you love and care for my family and we feel so blessed by that. I never want to take you along on a roller-coaster ride of emotions unless there's a good reason for it. It didn't seem purposeful to insert drama without knowing for sure. But after many have read Mike's facebook status requesting prayer for Cayman, I thought it was only right for me to fill you in. Like I said, not for the purpose to string you along on an elevation of emotions while we stand by on high alert for signs of a shunt malfunction but I do not want you to feel left in the dark of the happenings in our lives either and think it does not matter to us how much you care for our family. We deeply feel great appreciation for our readers and the earnest prayers you have said for us.

Last night was scary! Cayman was just not her self. She went to bed a little early than her usual time.

At around 11 p.m. we heard noises coming from her room. We checked on her. It's a habit for me to examine the appearance of her shunt. Not wanting to awaken her, I left her room light off and very gently touched over top of her shunt to feel with my fingertips if there were any changes. The puffy, squish underneath my touch alarmed me and I flipped the light switch on and in an instant peered over her crib. She was still pink, breathing, and asleep.

Her shunt definitely looked different. It was a large sack of fluid ballooning from underneath of her skin.

Mike reached for his phone and dialed the on-call Neurosurgeon. I grabbed bags and discovered I can pack stuff for three people pretty rapidly.

In between all that, I lifted Cayman out of her bed trying to wake her so we could get an idea of her state of alertness.

She kept us guessing though. At times she seemed perfectly okay, laughing and clapping her hands. Then at other times she would pull at her ears, lay her head down, and stare off into space. Then she'd return to sitting up and laughing again. And then soon back to crying while grabbing at her shunt.

Oh how she keeps us on our toes.

Since the signs were not completely clear, we decided to take the 'wait and see' approach.

At about midnight Mike finally went to bed so he could get as much rest as possible before work in the morning. I stayed up with Cayman, rocking her back to sleep, and being watchful over her.

We kept our bags packed and the doctor's number close by.

All it would have taken was for her to throw up once and we would have been out the door and on our way to the hospital.

Very likely, all this extra fluid accumulating around her shunt could be normal and will resolve itself. But for the fact that it has suddenly appeared at the same time Cayman is not quite herself has put us in a high alert status to watch her closely.

I feel so exhausted and terribly frightened. I never want to have to know the strength it takes to bury my child. I feel burdened that I have that on my mind right now.

I keep reminding myself that God is with us. He has not changed.

In the mean time, could you pray for us and our sweet little girl, that all of this can just turn out to be no more than signs of over reacting parents.

I am crying because I know you will and I feel a deep appreciation to you all!



23 Showin' Comment Love:

Lisa Christine said...

Keeping Cayman and your family in my always :)

Kassy said...

Oh, how scary! Your family is always in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

You have our prayers :)
Keep us updated.
Remember better safe than sorry and you won't regret being over cautious!

Sara said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. If it helps any, Kadyn had fluid around his shunt where the burr hole is to put the catheter down in the ventricle and the burr hole is usually a bit bigger then the tubing so the fluid comes out of the burr hole and will make a little puffy fluid sack. Kadyns NS said to put a tight dressing around his head and the fluid would eventually stop. I am praying that it isn't her shunt!!!

Shannon said...

Praying, Kristen! It's a blessing to be able to help bear your burdens, so thank you for keeping us in the loop. Looking forward to updates as you have time and information! ((Hugs!))

Carey said...

Oh Kris, I have been and will continue to pray for God's watchful eye over your family. I feel like we have become much closer with blogging and I hope and pray for nothing but good things for you.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding"

Tara said...

Kristen what a very scary time for all of you.

I will pray for Cayman and I hope all resolves itself.

Im going to put this out there so that it may be of some help. When Michelle's shunt malfunctions she doesn't always throw up. Sometimes the pressure is minor because excess fluid can escape out and around the shunt giving you that "pocket" of fluid. I pray that it is nothing and that Cayman feels better very soon.

Much Love.

My name is Sarah said...

Cayman Cameleon. My mom used to call me Sarah Cameleon. We are praying.

Audrey Sue's Mommy said...

We are praying!!

Stephanie said...

Bless your hearts. I understand the stress of shunt malfunction.
Prayers for a false alarm or quick good medical attention .

Jill S. said...

I am praying!! Hoping it's nothing more than a pocket of fluid. Please tell Cayman that she does not have to create drama just because her love, Matthew, does. He will love her even without drama :)

Gabriella said...

Prayers, as always.

Erin said...

Praying for your family and sweet Cayman...

Debbie said...

Praying for Cayman and that this can resolve on its own.

Unknown said...

I will continue to pray for Cayman. Did the doctor that was on call say that this could be normal?


Heather said...

you remain in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to you. Caymen is such a sweet little being. God has a plan for her. Sometimes it would be nice if He would let us in on those things! I hope all goes well.

Michelle said...

We will say an extra prayer tonight for Cayman. We have been through the puffy shunt while it healed thing ourselves - I swear I didn't sleep right at all until it went away and it took like 6 weeks after his last shunt for it to stop.

Wishing you sweet dreams and a calm night!

Sue said...

Not over reacting parents at all....loving, caring and concerned parents is what you are!! Thanks for the update and will keep you in our prayers!!

Diane said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop, I know you really don't have too. Travis has always kept Tyler's blog up-to-date when in the hospital, I just couldn't do it. So it really means a lot.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys!

Jennifer said...

I know you hear this a lot, but I promise I mean it from the bottom of my soul....Praying for Cayman and for you and Mike. HUGS!!!!

Katy said...

I have a friend who's daughter has a Dandy Walker cyst and there's always a little fluid accumulation. Me? I'd a freaked out WAY more than you did. Brave mama!

Colette said...

Thank you so much for keeping us updated and sharing this rollercoster of emotions with you! In fact, I now look out for updates, checking throughout the day on and off and Mike's updates are always appreciated on his Facebook too! Cayman and yourselves are always in my prayers and I pray now that this is part of the healing process after the surgery and pray that God gives you and Mike the strength to get through this little scare! In my thoughts and prayers!