The Calm After the Storm

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cayman is feeling much, much better.

And now that she is feeling better that means I am finally feeling my exhaustion.

It's the crash after the storm.

Not emotionally. I'm doing well. I mean of course I feel some nervousness about going home and being two hours away from the people that can give Cayman the type of medical care that her life depends on. But even in that, I am resting in the arms of the very One that has shown so many times over that He is with us.

It's just a complete physical exhaustion that only a long night's sleep can cure.

But both Mike and I are taking care of ourselves well though. Getting naps, eating, and processing. It has been an unbelievable amount of emotions. I am told it will take time. Time to process. Time to heal. Time for the haunting dreams to dissipate.

When I sit and think about what it could have been...

The empty arms, the empty laps, the empty hearts, the empty van.

When my mind thinks of our house as it is right now, I think of the balls thrown around our home by little Miss Cayman, the bottles in the cupboard, the unwashed clothes of hers sitting in the hamper, the stroller in the back of the van, the wagon in our garage...

All these things...

Their presence would have been terrible to return to without our little Cayman in our lives anymore.

But that's not our reality and when I come to that moment of realization all over again of what it could have been and where we are right now, I break out in praise all over again!

We feel so blessed!

Your prayers, we thank you again for them! They have empowered God's healing as well as left us feeling a support that has touched our hearts.

I've taken so many pictures and videos of this miracle we've witnessed this past week. I'm working on a slideshow to share with you. Stay tuned for that. I'll be posting it when I get the chance to finish it.

Combing away her surgery hair!
(Picture from this morning)

15 Showin' Comment Love:

dswillis said...

So thankful for a beautiful outcome.

You asked for comforting scriptures. As I read this scripture I thought of you.
Sister Esplin loves the message of her favorite scripture, Doctrine and Covenants 84:88: “And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”

Tiffany said...

Yeah!!!!!! I will be thinking of you all as you all heal.

Sarah M said...

The prayer will continue for all of you as you go through each phase of this experience. We praise God for all He has done and will continue to do in and through your family.

On a side note, it's very cool that Cayman still has all her curly hair after brain surgery! I wasn't sure what they'd have to do and I know lots of times they shave the head.

We hope you have a great day, can get some rest soon and get home and back to your comfortable house ASAP!

*Monica said...

She just seems to roll with the punches like no child I have ever known! Cayman, your hair is fabulous, don't sweat it.

Hugs to all of you as you return to normal.

Sue said...

We have not been through what you have, but can relate to the exhaustion, fears, wondering, thinking of the 'what ifs' also. There have been so many times in the last 5 years that I have wondered what actual 'normal' was anymore. Lib was laughing at Cayman's hair....until I said to her....'you should have seen yours'!!! We think Cayman looks beautiful!

Charlene Hardy said...

What a beautiful blessing she is!! So happy to hear she is recovering and everyone is doing well. Hope you get that rest you need, everything seems better when I wake up from a good night's rest.

Jennifer said...

Such a sweet little miracle girl. :c)

Tara said...

I love her hair : ) What a beauty she is!! I am so glad that Cayman is doing so well.

My name is Sarah said...

Precious little miracle!!!

bonnie said...

She sooo cute..wanting to look like a princess in the hospital:) Too bad she already is a princess!

Angela said...

Don't worry kid, I'd be wanting to do the same thing. Perhaps facials this weekend? I hear smashed bananas and honey make a wonderful snack and moisturizer.

Unknown said...

Cayman is so beautiful!! She has bounced back so fast!!
I know you have to go through the "what if's" to get it out, but please don't dwell on it... God is protecting Cayman with your and Mike's good instints, and He is also guiding the doctors in her care.
I am glad you and Mike are trying to take care of yourselves as best you can while Cayman is in the hospital.


Unknown said...

Cayman is so beautiful!! She has bounced back so fast!!
I know you have to go through the "what if's" to get it out, but please don't dwell on it... God is protecting Cayman with your and Mike's good instints, and He is also guiding the doctors in her care.
I am glad you and Mike are trying to take care of yourselves as best you can while Cayman is in the hospital.


Gabriella said...

Continued blessings!

Katy said...

That picture is priceless!