Six Years Ago Today...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It was a beautiful day with blue skies...

I woke up with butterflies in my belly...

I put on the most gorgeous white dress...

My dad walked me down the aisle...

And when we reached the end, Mike took my hand in his and I felt like I had come home.

It's been six years of waking up next to the one I love, braving life’s challenges together, knowing the thrill of being Mr and Mrs...

Life is beautiful!

My dearest Mike...You have no idea how much my heart is filled with so much awe and wonder over the person that you are, and the life you have given me as your wife for the past 6 years. Happy Anniversary Michael!

Still loving you forever,


12 Showin' Comment Love:

Anonymous said...

Happy 6th Anniversary!

Stephanie said...

Awe............What a cute couple.
Happy Anniversary!

Grandma Cindy said...

Only "6" years - it seems alot longer when I think back of when Mike nabbed you out of our home... since... your bedroom empty.... your spot at the dinner table vacant ... your car-no longer in the drive when I came home from work ... no bedtime chats... your smile not brightening our home... not hearing your laugh... not hearing you (can I say yell) at your brother for whatever he was teasing you about... not hearing "Daddddd there's a spider"...I could go on and on but I won't... BUT - there's BEAUTIFUL - AMAZING Cayman - I forgive you Mike. Happy 6th! May you have at least 60 more! Love you ones!!!

Cayman's Daddy said...

You make me so happy Kristen! Thank you for the best 6 years of my life! Here's to 60 more!

Kim said...

You gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Hope you have many more happy years in love!

Sarah M said...

I love the picture with Cayman watching you two! What a great family the two of you have created. May God bless you with many, many more years together!

Jill S. said...

Happy 6th anniversary Kristen and Mike!! Love the pictures!

Carey said...

Aw, Congratulations guys!! :):) Here's to many many more happy years!

Gabriella said...

Congratulations! I was expecting to see a wedding pic at the end of your collection of pics here today! (Maybe you've already done that in past posts?)

I think these pics speak so much of what an exceptional family you are. Cayman just feels right at home in between the two of you. She is right where she belongs.

God bless!

P.S. I'm loving your hair, Kristen! Color, cut and style (esp. that headband!)

Sara said...

Happy Anniversary!!

(Mike's Ohio State decor must be under his black button up)

Here is too many more for you guys! :) YAY!

Stephanie said...

Brought tears to my eyes! So happy for you guys. Yall are a perfect example of what a marriage should be and have done such a great job at being little Caymans mommy and daddy! Such a blessed little girl!!!

Tiffany said...

Happy Anniversary!!!