Doctor Appointments

Friday, December 18, 2009

Yesterday was an Ann Arbor day. Cayman had a couple of appointments. Just routine stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary for her.

Let me start at the very beginning of our day and tell you how Mike tried to sneak Cayman out the door dressed like this...

Remember, it is U of M hospital where we were going.

Mike always wears Ohio State stuff, I think you know that well. He is a friendly guy and makes friends wherever he goes, even Michigan friends (ssssh). Truth be told, his absolute best friend from his childhood through the present day is a strong Michigan fan. Surprised?

When it's an appointment with a doctor that we have seen often, such as Cayman's Neurosurgeon, I do not worry too much about Mike's amount of scarlet and gray he wears in Ann Arbor. There is a relationship there. An understanding. A mutual respect. They get what Mike is all about.

However, when we are seeing a new doctor or one of Cayman's doctors that she doesn't return to very often, that is when I get nervous about the amount of scarlet and gray that is worn up there.

I have grown accustom to Mike's persistent opinion of wearing such attire at U of M but I have an added comfort if Cayman and I dress more widespread. I figure, U of M will be more forgiving of Mike if 2 out of 3 look commonplace. :)

So off with the red...

And on with the ever so pretty girly colors of pink and purple...

Cayman's first check-in of the day was at the Orthopedist's (skeletal doctor) office.

They sent us down to radiology where a set of x-rays were taken of Cayman's cute little hands.

Then it was back to the Orthopedist's office, where we waited and waited.

Cayman never minds the long waits for the doctor, just as long as she gets to play with the paper on the exam table.

The fun of the paper started to wear off as nap time approached.

The doctor evaluated Cayman's x-rays and assessed her thumb situation only to conclude that it is best to refer her onto to a different specialist at U of M that is more advanced for what Cayman needs. So that will be for another day.

Cayman's next appointment was with the Ophthalmologist (eye doctor).

The doctor's report:

Cayman's vision continues to develop and remain right on track. Her eyes do still cross at times, but not one side more than the other, which is good a thing. The nystagmus (involuntary eye movement) in her left eye is still there but seems to be a little less dominant than at her last check up.

Really, it was a fantastic report! Cayman couldn't keep her pretty little eyes open long enough to hear it for herself. It was well past her nap time and she was exhausted.

Our doctor appointment portion of the day was over! That is when comes my favorite part of these long Ann Arbor days. I love it when we step out from that building after the last doctor appointment and the rest of the day is free. It's just me, my dearest Mike and Cayman, all together to do whatever our heart pleases.

Usually that involves sushi. :)

Ann Arbor has our favorite sushi restaurant. It is the best and their prices are so reasonable.Sadako Japanese Restaurant

Before leaving Ann Arbor we took a drive around the construction site of U of M's new hospital. From the outside it looks almost complete. It is scheduled to open in 2011.

Driving home.

17 Showin' Comment Love:

Unknown said...

I agree with you. The girly colors are much more suitable on Miss Cayman! Although, she does look good in red.

We haven't been to Ann Arbor since June. Wow! I can not believe how the new hospital looks just since June.

Diane said...

I knew there was a rivilry between Ohio and Michigan but I didn't know it was that bad. I'm glad you changed her clothes, I would hate for your lives to be in danger (hehe)or for the doctors to make a first impression just from what you are wearing.

It sounds like you guys made the best out of your trip and was a good day.

Diane, tyler's mom

Carey said...

What a good report! :) I'm sure that was nice to hear right before Christmas. And Cayman's tutu is adorable!! It makes me want a girl now just so I can dress her up like Cayman!!

Tara said...

Good reports are the best. I love when we walk out of Children's and just get to 'breathe'.

Beth said...

YAY for GREAT reports!!! I love that Mike tried to sneak her out in those clothes - hilarious!!!!!

Lisa Christine said...

What a day, what a day!

Mike is hilarious. Nice try on all the red, but I agree with you Kristen, it's best to keep at least two of you in neutral colors!

Love the tutu!

Anonymous said...

What a long day!!! For all of you. Cayman is so cute I don't think they'd even notice the scarlet and gray. I love her t-shirt! ;)

Heidi D said...

That makes me think of Jeff always wearing his crimson and gray Cougar gear in Seattle Husky territory. I don't know what he'll do if he ends up going to medical school there.

I like that even her onsie was red, really cute.

Josephine said...

I love the little tutu! And wow, what a long day with TWO big doctor's appointments! What a start Cayman is to be able to handle all of that so well :)

David said...

you have ann arbor days like lisa has spokane days.

mike wearing red and grey into enemy territory reminds me of the night i went to dodger stadium with donald, and he cheered loudly for the mariners! we were lucky to get out alive.

Anonymous said...

Doc appointment days are....exhausting to say the least. So glad your news was good news....loved the last picture of her 'playing' with the paper...did you and Mike look just as tired!! Again...glad for the good news and the fun that came with it. Cayman did look both outfits!!

Sue said...

Huh....anonymous was 'me'....Sue, don't know why it said that!!

Jill S. said...

Looks like you had a long exhausting day! Mike cracks me up. He and his Ohio stuff just kills me. Her tutu is soo cute!! (and so is her shirt by the way). Seeing pictures of the sushi restuarant brought me back. Oh how I loved that place. I am ready for another sushi experience. Glad to here you got such good reports!

*Monica said...

Am I wrong in thinking that her little tiny hand x-ray picture was the cutest of all?

Melanie said...

Oh Kristen, I just heard from Jill's blog about Cayman being in the ER! I'm so sorry to hear that Cayman had a seizure! :( I hope she's okay!! Thinking about you and sweet, amazing, Cayman.

Katie said...

Good day of good reports!

I agree with you about the color change...ahem, Mike, with the big O on his shirt. hehehehehe

cialis said...

I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree