4:47 a.m.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cayman and I are heading out for the day. I know it's early but we have to leave at this time to make it to her scheduled 7:30 a.m. CT scan in Ann Arbor, MI. When radiology called this week to notify us of our arrival time I remained set in my natural, mild personality and just said, "Ok! We'll be there!" while calculating in my mind what time that means I will have to wake up at.

Have I ever told you that I am not a morning person? I try to be and want to be but my body refuses. My body is most happy starting a day at about 8 a.m. not before, especially not at 4:45 a.m.

Mike has taken part of the day off work to come along with Cayman and I. I for one am glad about that. I never do well with these long trips alone when they are very early in the morning. Plus I am feeling a bit edgy about this appointment and Mike's presence always soothes my nerves. It is just a routine CT scan but Cayman is older now and will need to be sedated for it.

It's the sedation part that leaves me feeling fidgety. I am sure it's a bigger issue in my mind than what it really is in reality. And that is what I am telling my mind but I still feel a bit jittery and I will be glad to have this appointment behind us.

My mind has never forgotten how fragile and tiny Cayman was as a little baby. She fit into preemie clothes until she was 2 months old. She had six surgeries within the first 4 months of her life. The familiar beeps of the vital monitors pacified her to sleep just like a Lullaby.

But my mind is pulled back to our blessed present day and I am reminded how strong and healthy Cayman is. I am reminded how far she has come and has thrived so beautifully. Can you imagine the emotion I felt when this past August I took Cayman into the Pediatrician and the doctor's words were "she is one very healthy little girl."

Well we better get out the door.

I leave you with a picture of Cayman's morning messy hair. If only I could look that cute upon waking up I would have slept in a little longer and spent less time fixing myself presentable.


Happy Birthday today to Cayman's Aunt Cara!

9 Showin' Comment Love:

Anonymous said...

I am not a morning person either!

HOpe all goes well with Cayman's CT and her sedation.

Have a safe trip.


Stephanie said...

Oh the anxiety of long hospital appointment days.

I am thankful Mike can go with you. I lost more sleep over driving to Chicago from the suburbs than I did worrying about the tests and appointments.

When Elisabeth was born I had three other children 6,4 and 2. Dave couldn't take time off work to go with me. I still have memories of all the stress.

Have a wonderful safe and uneventful trip to the CT Scan. Meaning may all results be good results .

Sherri said...

Hope everything goes well! 4:47 is waaaay too early for me, but I'm sure Cayman is the best of company :) These kids are truly amazing. I can NOT wait to meet you and Cayman! (I guess Mike too :)) Jill and I are talking about coming to the Hydro conference together!!!

Diane said...

I agree with you on early mornings. I pray that the appt. goes well and I am sure Cayman will do great!

Diane, Tyler's mom

Jill S. said...

I am not a morning person, unless you are talking about staying up all night until morning :). By your text it seems as if all went well. Have a safe trip home!

Anna said...

Hope everything goes well. I'm praying for you guys!

Beth said...

Hoping the appointment goes well today! Love the pic!!

David said...

i can't believe you found time to write a post before leaving this morning!

did you take my blog poll the other day asking if you are a morning or night person? i think i know how you answered or would answer!

hope cayman has a good CT appointment

Sue said...

Had to laugh at your mouth saying...yes, we will be there, but your mind figuring out what time do we need to leave....just like all the appts. we have at Cleveland Clinic....it did tickle my funny bone!! I am one step ahead of you....I am a morning person and when the radio goes off, I'm up and running!! Have been thinking of you all today...hope things went well.