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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Please pray for Mike again. He has a 2-day interview with another and tomorrow. This job would keep us living right where we are for 9-18 months but then Mike would be transferred to any one of their plants which are all over the U.S, even one in Canada. It's not exactly what we want but the options are slim.

The update on his interview from last week, is: we're still waiting to hear from the company.

Cayman could use an extra boost of prayer too. You might recall a little over a month ago Cayman saw her Cardiologist.

I wrote this from that visit:

September 5, 2008
Cayman saw her Cardiologist today. It was a good report. The doctor expected that Cayman's heart condition would be causing a problem by now and he would be scheduling her for surgery but she's doing great! Here's a quick recap on what her heart condition is:

The arteries that come out of the top of Cayman's heart wrap around her windpipe and esophagus. This is called True Vascular Ring.

As she gets bigger this "ring" will likely squeeze her windpipe and esophagus causing her to to have trouble breathing and swallowing. The good news is it's an easy, one time fix surgery. It's never easy seeing Cayman go into surgery but it's somewhat comforting to know that it's not considered major. But so far it's not causing a problem. :o)

Cayman is now showing signs that her heart condition is effecting her. The Cardiologist is scheduling Cayman to meet with the actual surgeon that will be doing her surgery. We don't know when that appointment will be yet. Hopefully soon. We're ready to see Cayman feeling better again, even if it has to take another surgery.

5 Showin' Comment Love:

Sherri said...

We will be praying for you all. So sorry to hear that Cayman isn't feeling like her normal self :( Give her some extra hugs and kisses from me and Miles.

Stephanie said...

I too am sorry to hear Cayman is facing another surgery so soon.
We will keep all in our prayers

Mary said...

I'll be adding extra prayers in for you guys. I know you want to stay where you are but if you have to move I'll pray that you move where the most amazing medical care and cheapest airlines tickets home are.

Tammy said...

We have been and will continue to Lift little Caymen up before our Heavenly Father. She is so precious and if we all love her so much just emagine how much Jesus loves her.
Know that we are thinking of you and pray that everything turns out great with the surgury.
p.s. Thank you for reading my blog and contacting me. You are one of the only ones that does.

Diane said...

I am sorry to hear that Cayman is not doing so well. I will be thinking of you and keeping you guys in my prayers. She is is a fighter and will pull through this.

Diane, Tyler's mom