
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Cayman had her first appoitment with the Pediatrician. It was a pretty uneventful appointment compared to all the others we've had in the past. She was weighed (7 lb. 5 oz.), head measured (41 cm), length (21 inches), and checked over. She's not jaundice, so we were happy to hear that. The doctor said that typically breast fed babies are more yellow and she wasn't concerned about it. She took Cayman's bandage off her right leg that was there from her Broviac IV when in the hospital. She also clipped off the remains of her umbilical cord because it hadn't fallen off yet. That was pretty much it. We see this doctor again in 2 weeks.

Only once in the night did we feed Cayman through her G-tube. She continued to bottle feed all day for us. She also went shopping today for the first. We went to Babies R Us after the Pediatrician appointment. There were several different items that we got that will hopefully help make our life at home and on-the-go easier. Daddy and Mommy are very exhausted now from our outing. Hopefully Cayman will be less fussy tonight so we can sleep. Last night I had only about 1 1/2 hour sleep and I don't think Daddy had any before he had Grandma Sue come down at 5:30 a.m. and sit with Cayman so we could sleep until Sue had to get around for work. When Cayman fusses like that the only thing that seems to soothe her is being held.

Today is Mike and I's 4 year wedding anniversary. The special thing we did today was all 3 of us were together! It was a very special day!

4 Showin' Comment Love:

Kacey Bode said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you get some sleep : )

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! And, like kacey said, we hope you guys are able to top it off with a good night's rest--all of you. xo! We love you guys! & we're thrilled for a relatively uneventful Dr. appt. :) small blessings add up in a big way.

Sarah M said...

I was just trying to remember when it was. I knew it was early April but couldn't remember the date. I'll write it down now. Happy Anniversary! What an eventful 4 years...

tharker said...

Happy Anniversary!