Home Sweet Home

Monday, March 31, 2008

My intent is not to stop blogging now that Cayman is home. Her journey is only beginning and just like in the hospital, we have been so amazed by this little girl's progress here at home. It's so worth making the effort to blog as much of it as I can. She is feeding out of a bottle some. There has been a few times she actually has taken a full feeding from a bottle which right now is 66 ml. That really helps out a lot when we don't have to feed her through her G-tube. We're still working out coordinating her feeding routine with the rest of her care so that I can get some sleep. She feeds every 3 hours. So I pump before each feeding, then we try to bottle feed for 20 minutes or sometimes a little more if she shows she'll continue with the bottle, then whatever she doesn't finish eating by the bottle we feed her through the G-tube. Time I get all this done and get her G-tube equipment and my breast pump phalanges cleaned I have about an hour and a half til I gotta do it all over again. It should get better as I get faster at it and as Cayman starts to feed more through bottle. I'm still learning my way around the G-tube equipment. My mom and Mike's mom (Sue) have been a big help to Mike and I.

Cayman has been very fussy. We think it could be her adjusting from the NICU to home. Her fussiness makes it tough to get some sleep when we're not up feeding her. So my mom or Sue have been with us a lot taking care of Cayman between her feedings so we can get some sleep. This has been such a blessing. I have discovered I have nothing in my reserve to handle pulling all nighters. When we came home with her on Friday, we got in late...around 11:30 p.m. We had all of our stuff, plus all of Cayman's stuff and her equipment. All of that was unloaded all over our living space downstairs at Mike's parent's house. It was a mess. So for the last couple days we have been trying to figure out where to put a house full of stuff in our two-room "cottage" we live in. So far no leads on anyone buying our house in Indiana. Besides lacking space to put all of our stuff, it is working so well living with Mike's parents. We're comfortable here, and it's great to always have eager help only a few steps away. I laugh at the irony of the situation, that once our 2800 sq ft house sells and we get a 2 bedroom apartment it's going to feel like we have so much space!

Now that we've gotten a lot of our stuff more organized and our huge pile of mail sorted through, I'm hoping to be able to blog more frequently again.

I'm sure there is a ton more I could blog about but my brain just hit a wall. So I'll just close with pictures of bringing Cayman home from the hospital!

12 Showin' Comment Love:

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you guys are home. I've been eagerly waiting for an update. But, I know you are so busy. She is absolutely adorable!!

Kacey Bode said...

Cayman looks like a little baby doll in her carseat!! I am so glad you guys are home and everything is going so good, except the sleep : ) It's good that you have family to help out. I've been thinking about you guys and checking your blog several times a day!!! So glad to see an update and of course pictures of the beautiful Cayman!!

Anonymous said...

Even though I am from Archbold, and I don't know you, I have been following your blogs about you and your daughter. I have one granddaughter who will be two in May and another granddaugher due in 4 weeks and another grandchild due in October! You have been blessed with Cayman for a specific reason. She is certainly a little "angel" that was sent to you. I hope and pray that things go smoothly for you and your husband in your transition from moving her from the hospital to your home. What a special gift she is! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers....Jodi Frank

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful little girl!! She looks so peaceful and sweet in that first picture. . . I miss the little baby stage!

Anonymous said...

Kris - Cayman is so cute!! She looks so tiny in her carseat! Her little feet! She is such a doll!! We are so glad you were able to blog!! We check back all the time to find out updates!!! It's great to see how many milestones she has already reached - she is going to continue to amaze all of us! We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

She is so precious! Thank the Lord for all she has already overcome. I will be praying for strength for all of you!

tharker said...

I'm so happy that you are all home together! What a blessing it is for you to have your husbands family literally only a few steps away.

Lisa Christine said...

hurray! you're home! I have been checking your page frequently for an update. I love the pictures of Cayman all dressed to leave the hospital. I can't believe how tiny she looks in her carseat. We are used to seeing Elisabeth who completely fills out the whole thing. Enjoy having her home and try to get some sleep :)

Anonymous said...

what precious pictures!! I love the one of her in the carseat. He feet look so tiny in there!!!! She is such a little angel!! We love you guys!!
Valerie and Nicholas

Anonymous said...

oh, and u r definately gonna have to teach me how to crochet....I love the hat!!! It looks so sweet on Cayman!!

Anonymous said...

wow, i have to catch up on my reading!! Cayman looks so cute in her pink hat, and car seat!! can't wait to see you guys!! :):)

Cayman's Daddy said...

What a little cutie pie!