Broken Tambourine

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Somebody (I'm not going to name names), broke their tambourine that Grandma and Grandpa got her for Christmas, when she beat it hard with a stick.

I guess we should have gotten her a drum.

14 Showin' Comment Love:

Josephine said...

Oops! Oh well, at least she doesn't seem to be upset :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, she seems really happy with the stick!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahem. Beat or poked? Perhaps she should use the maraca (sp?) with the next tambourine? Barbara

Cayman's Daddy said...

Hey ! Miss Tambourine Cayman, play a song for me
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to
Hey ! Miss Tambourine Cayman, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

Lisa Christine said...

ha! funny Cayman! You'll have to get her a drum set for her birthday. And then she'll be a little rocker. Remember Elisabeth's pink hair gel??? (from her punk rocker phase) Cayman can borrow it if she!

Aunt Sam said...

I think Cayman is gonna be a drummer!! :)

Ashley said...

Hi, My name is Ashley Gibson. I read your blog ALL the time. Ive never commented before. But I just want to say that I just love your family and Cayman is SOOOOO precious!! I'm in Oklahoma by the way. I have a 2 1/2yr old and shes usually sitting in my lap when Im reading and she always points and says "hi Cayman" I think she thinks theyre friends!ha

Sherri said...

I think we have the beginnings of a rock band! Drums: Cayman, Keys: Elisabeth...Miles is working on the guitar...we'll have to audition some vocalists ;)

Grandma S said...

Don't worry Cayman, Grandma will get you another tambourine.

In a few years she may be playing percussion in the OSU Athletic Band with Aunt Sam--unless, of course, Aunt Sam graduates before that. :)

Amy J. said...

Don't feel bad about not getting the drum...they break just as easy! (Branson's stick went through the drum on Sunday! He and Cayman must be needing to beat out the winter blahs!)

Good luck on planning your dream vacation! That will be so much fun!!! And just out of curiousity have you ever heard of anyone else with that name since you named her? We thought Anderson was so rare but have heard of a few throughout the years.

Angela said...

It's been awhile so <3. It's what I think everyday when I read. Bah, I miss those cheeks :)

Ann said...

She just loves to rock out!

Jill S. said...

Cayman!!! You are a strong little girl, aren't you!!! That's funny!

Sara said...

She didn't look to upset that she broke it, the drum stick is so much more interesting to her. Such a doll!!