Monday, October 11, 2010

What's behind Drawer Number 1?

"You don't possibly believe that I opened up this drawer all by myself and took out all these clothes, do you Mom?"

Cayman has discovered drawers and doors and cupboards...oh my!!


  1. Cayman is a typical two year old! How wonderful is that!!

  2. What a wonderful discovery for Cayman! :) :D You thought you were busy before? Just wait..... ;)

  3. That picture cracked me up. It was like you caught her red-handed.

  4. LOL that is hilarious!

    sorry about your Reds!

    but, OSU is #1 whoo hoo

  5. haha BUSTED! What a great picture of a moment.`

  6. I love it and glad to see my kids aren't the only ones who do this!!!!

    I love her expression - she is so "BUSTED"!!!

  7. Grandpa says that no way would Cayman do that. She must have been framed!

    Grandma says that next year she'll be doing all kinds of things like this and blaming little brother. :)

  8. What a little stinker! But she's SO cute!

  9. Hee hee!!! I love her "Did I do something wrong?" face!! Miles LOVES to do this same thing. He recently figured out how to open a basket full of bills and took each one out and spread them out all over the living room :)


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