Monday, October 4, 2010


Does it ever get old watching your babe sleep?

30 months later and I am still there.


  1. No, it's one of my favorite activities! BTW - my Marissa loves that toy Cayman is sleeping with!

  2. 1st

    It never gets old. She is so precious!

  3. Aww man, I must have been a second late from being first :0)

  4. It never does! I just took a picture of my 14 year old baby sleeping.... so cute!

  5. So the question is, does Cayman get a big-girl bed before her little brother arrives so that he can take over the crib?

    And no, it never gets old watching your little ones sleep. :)

  6. That is so sweet!! We must think alike...wait till you see my blog post that is scheduled for tomorrow morning (I wrote them this weekend)...

    I am seconding lisa's question..are you buying a second crib, or getting Cayman a big girl bed?

    Happy 2 1/2 years Cayman!!

  7. Lisa and Jill,

    As of right now, we are decided that we are going to get a 2nd crib. Keeping Cayman in a crib feels safest for now. I am certain she would be able to get herself down out of a toddler bed. And there are still so many things she doesn't understand yet about what can hurt her so we have to watch her closely. It's nice that when we put her in her crib we know she can't escape.

  8. I was just looking through my cell phone pics the other day, and noticed that a LOT of them are of Savannah sleeping. :) She's 49 months. :) I hope it never gets old. She's so cute! (Cayman, I mean :) )

  9. Nope, it NEVER gets old. I still love to watch Hunter sleep and he is 6 and I'm sure would be totally mortified if he knew that : )

  10. Cayman looks so beautiful in this picture! So sweet.

  11. She is so precious.Savor it Kristen. Just savor it.

  12. Lovely picture...

    I still watch my 8 and 10 year olds sleep. They are so sweet and innocent when they sleep.


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