Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Sippy Cup

It's still not her favorite. A foe more than a friend most days. A bottle is what she likes best. She lucks out in getting pushed to make the full transition between the two. I choose not to force it because of her size. She's a peanut. Not even reaching the 1% mark on the weight charts. I sneak extra calories in her day through her bottle. She'll drink them right down with no complaints. I have learned a bottle is discouraged in the eyes of some if the child is past the age of one. Wow that seems young. Her pediatrician objects that I still have her on a bottle. I say: She's only two. And if a bottle means the difference in keeping her maintaining, gaining, and healthy then I'm just happy that such a simple solution works, regardless of her chronological age. If only all things pertaining medical to her could be fixed this easily. Let's just enjoy this feeling of simple.


  1. Your a good mummy sticking to what you think is best.

    I would be the child in a similar case. I preferred the sippy cup to normal cups for a much longer time.

    I turned out ok.

    Cayman is certainly turning into a beautiful young lady and her eyes are just gorgeous!

    You must publish another pregnancy update!


  2. Good for you, Kristen! I'll take a mother's gut instinct over a doctor's opinion any day!! And hello? Suri Cruise still gets photographed with a bottle and she's almost 4 or 5!! ;) Had to add my People magazine 2 cents in.

    Also, LOVED the picture of Cayman and the drawers yesterday. Olivia emptied out her closet just this past weekend!! ;)

  3. I was "that mom" before Matthew was born. The mom where all of my kids were bottle free between 12-15 months. It was appropriate for them. I think, if you don't mind my analogy, that our sense of time is "warped". Time moves differently when you have a child with high medical needs/special needs. Mile stones are met at different times. Baby-hood lasts a little longer (sometimes forever)for our special needs kids. So it makes sense that the bottle stays around a little longer. And 1 year in "typical child" world, is so much different than "special needs child" world. The bottle becomes a moot point compared to the things we deal with day in and day out. There is a different focus when you have a typical child, and at 1 year, a typical child is doing SOOO much. It's even more amazing to me after having a special needs child, how much a typical 1 year old can do!

    I think it's perfectly okay for her to have a bottle. For heaven sakes she is only 2..and if it keeps her growing, well then by all means, that is what is important!!

  4. I think we are following in your footsteps. I completely agree that if it helps to get those needed calories in why stop until they're ready.

    We have tried 6 or so different cups. Norah just likes to shake them like a toy. Someday, in their own time we'll get there

    I love Jill's comment too.

  5. Sure beats having a feeding tube! I always believe Mother knows best!

  6. I agree with you on this one. Tyler was on the bottle until almost 3. As long as she continues to grow and getting the nutrition she needs, who cares what the method is to get it into her body.

  7. Oh my goodness, my perfectly healthy first born had a bottle with milk until she was two and a bottle with water at night until she was three. Like you, my doctor frowned upon it, so I just lied to him. You absolutely know what's best for your sweet girl. Keep going what you're doing.

  8. I say if it makes her happy and healthy....go for it!

    Similarly, Elisabeth's pediatritian is strongly opposed to binkies....except in Elisabeth's case. She agrees with me that Elisabeth's capabilities are so limited that if this one simple thing brings her some joy and comfort, more power to her :)

  9. Every child is different. Avery was done with bottles by 15 months, and that was easy as pie for her and for us. Brogan however is now 26 months old and still needs a bottle for nap and bedtime, and as far as I'm concerned it's not a big deal :) For the longest time it was pretty much his only source of nutrition since he wouldn't eat food!!

  10. Abby only recently went off it after turning two. Most of the professionals were on my back about it, but we waiting til she was ready. When nutrition is a matter of thriving or failing who cares how it gets in as long as it gets there?

  11. I agree whole heartedly with everyone. My typical kids all got rid of the bottle/breast/binkie in their own time. As for Jack, he is three and while it is in a sippy now, he still needs his "milk" to settle down before bed.

    Mommies know best for sure.

  12. Yup. My little guy still uses a bottle. He'll be 3 soon. Who makes up these rules, anyway?

  13. I'm with everyone else! Mommy knows best! We just broke my Hadleigh of her bottle this week and she is turning 2 in a couple weeks. I don't care what the docs think. Go with your gut! Hugs!

  14. I've been following your blog for awhile and feel the need to comment on this. First or all I took a bottle until right before I went to kindergarten..... So I think you are doing the right thing and shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Secondly, since you are trying the sippy I would highly recommend the soft tips by Nuby. It was a great transition from bottle to sippy. My daughter loves them. Keep on being a great mom.

  15. So much wisdom in all of these comments. Maybe you should send this post and comments to your pediatrician with the note, "A glimps at real life."

  16. I go through the, isn't he too old to be on the bottle. Well in thise case, Kadyn's bottle is all he will use and it's the ONLY way he gets his nutrition. IN away it's keeping him from having seizures too, as his formula he drinks from it. I have spent over $100 in sippy cups, and Kadyn has rejected them all. :) Bottles are more comforting I guess

  17. I agree with you. Let her have that bottle. Goodness, she needs all the calories she can get. And if the bottle is what tickles her fancy...then so be it! Besides that, doctors don't always know best. Mama's do!!

    Carly had a pacifier till she was 5. She only had at bed time and only when we went to UofM. It was her comfort. She didn't have a stuffed animal, doll or blanket for comfort needs, just the pacifier. The plus side of her being so tiny for her age, no one ever gave us a look of disgust. Not that I would have cared!

  18. Kendal is a little peanut too!!! Her doctors fuss all the time because she is 2 1/2 and weighs 22.7 lbs and is 33 inches long. She still has a bottle because I KNOW she will drink her pediasure and get the calories she needs.


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