Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Look at Me!"

Last week I wrote an entry about Cayman's therapy and all that she is learning. As well as what she has regressed in - walking.

The subject of her resistance to walking with her walker swirls in my mind. There is a balance between firm and gentle with my Cayman that feels fluid most days to me. Can she understand? Will she learn our support is unconditional while we push her to do the things she does not want to do, such as learning to walk? Or is this the time to be more gentle because pushing will create a total turn off in her desire to learn? Does her resistance mean she's not ready for it yet? Or is her reluctancy a sign that she needs the push that will ultimately lead to her confidence?

There will be steps forward and there will be steps taken back (no pun intended). It's a natural occurrence of life. It's important to know that the ebb and flow can’t happen when you’re standing still though. Like riding a bicycle, you can’t learn how to balance by reading a book about it or waiting until you are sure you can do it perfectly before you try.

And so I push Cayman to try the things that she is strong enough for and during it I continue to learn balance between firm and gentle. Balance between pushing and pulling back. To one day "hear" those beautiful words "Mom, look at what I can do!". I have heard it before on my Cayman's face. The glow of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes and my heart feels every beat of her unspoken voice, "Mom, look at me. Look at what I can do!"

I "heard" it when she reached out and grabbed a toy all by herself when she was 4 1/2 months old.

I "heard" it when she held her head up for the first time at 5 1/2 months of age.

I "heard it when she learned to sit all by herself at 18 months.

I "heard" it in her clapping the other day when she fit the puzzle pieces together correctly.

And I "heard" it again yesterday when I pushed through her resistance (a hard thing for me) and watched her regain her confidence to walk with her walker. :) *insert a proud smile*

"Mom, look at what I can do!", I "heard" her say through the laughter in her voice and the sparkle in her eyes.

And for that I push.

This post is getting a bit wordy this morning for all that I am basically trying to say is:

Look at her! Look at what she did yesterday!!

(background noise provider by Mike, Dan, and Lindsay - my team of men building my new massage office for me) :)


  1. She is so sweet. I can wait to give her a hug (and probably get my hair pulled). I love her pink and black outfit.

  2. beautiful...i loved it!! way to go Cayman, way to go!!

  3. Yayyyy!! Way to go Cayman!! In no time there will be no stopping you!! :)

  4. WOW! What strength! I can feel what a team you and your husband make! In no time, Cayman will be whipping around your home! Look out! So inspiring!

  5. I started tearing up, yey Cayman!! Kristen, the positive encouragement is exactly what she needs! I know it is hard but I think your pushing her with this is a great thing. Just imagine the independence and self-confidence she will have once this skill is mastered. Who knows you may even wish you had not encouraged so much because she will be able to walk all by herself to many drawers to empty. ;) I hope you and Mike are so proud, because you should be!

  6. Tears! She just amazes me so much :)

  7. FABULOUS!!!!! I am so proud of you sweet Cayman!

  8. So exciting!! We are working on encouraging our Erin (3-y-o) to work on her crawling and using her gait trainer. Isn't it wonderful to see them do things that some said they might never accomplish?

  9. You go girl!!!! Awesome job to Cayman & Mommy!!!

  10. Yea Cayman! Great job walking!

  11. O/T


    I just got home and saw the Ohio State score. Are you all depressed and mourning at the Stamm house?

  12. Cayman,
    You are an inspiration and an amazing, beautiful little girl! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! (Mommy too!)

  13. Way to go Cayman! You can feel how happy she is with herself. That's great. Keep up the good work Cayman and Kristin. :o)

  14. Kristen - What a great post! I am so happy for you! It's great that Cayman has been rockin' with the walkin'!!!

  15. That laugh clearly said "Mommy, look at me!" And Olivia is watching it with me and says "That's me! I used to do that!" Nostalgia! ;)


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