Friday, October 1, 2010

Date Night

It's Friday evening.

Mike and I are going out. Just us.

The community theater is putting on a play. Anne of Green Gables. You might have picked up on the little detail before about how much I love Anne of Green Gables. It's not really Mike's sort of thing. And I even gave him the option of not going. His mother and I would go together instead. But no, he said he wanted to be with me.


I know, be still my heart.

But then I thought.

And then I bursted the sweetness by putting a stipulation on it, "Now if you go you have to promise not to crack any sarcastic remarks about any of it no matter how chicky it seems to you."

:) :) :)

He smiled at me tenderly and said, "No hun, we're going to be kindergarten spirits tonight."


A smirk came to my face as I realized what he was trying to say. "Um, I think you mean kindrid spirits, sweetheart."


  1. I LOVE Anne of Green Gables. I used to watch it with my dad when it played on PBS. Enjoy!

  2. Ha! That is hilarious.

    Perhaps if the book were re-written Diana and Anne could be 'Kindergarten spirits' instead of kindred spirits. I know Lorelai would approve of that (seeing as she is a Kindergartener)

    Enjoy the show!

  3. Enjoy. My favorite books and movie of all time.

  4. Hee Hee!! Mike, you are so funny!! Love that guy!! He always makes me laugh!

    Have fun with your kindergarten spirit!

  5. That is so sweet and funny. Hope you had a great time.

  6. how was the play? did mike snicker at all? lol

    a little bit close today for OSU, but a win is a win. More than i can say for my guys, 4 straight losses!!!!!!!!

  7. My mom read the entire series of books aloud to me and my 3 siblings. ("Rilla of Ingleside" about Anne's youngest daughter was my favorite.) Your post brings back happy memories.


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