Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Because My Last Post Was Not So Beautiful...

Just wanted to replace the first post that pops up on my blog from sad to something that will certainly bring a smile.

(And for the record, I am doing good. Thanks for listening while I vented a little for a day.)

This morning at Cayman's PlayGroup she got dressed up in her Halloween costume (duck) and went around to various of staff's offices and trick-or-treated.

She loved it! And so did I! This weekend we will do it again but in more traditional style - outside, door-to-door, and Daddy will be there! Good times!

(Mike titles this video "That's quacktastic!")


  1. YAY, Cayman!!! Look how great (and happy!) she is with her walker! Love the costume, too. Happy early Halloween!

  2. She is the cutest duck I've ever seen. :)

  3. I spent almost 3 hours reading all ur entries....believe me, it was so touching.....i almost burst into tears each time i read it....u have such a strong heart and such a beautiful parents for cayman to have....i have one too with congenital physical anomaly but as time flies, i believe she is one of the miracle i could ever have in my life....may happines be yours forever.....

  4. Cayman makes one cute duck! I love it!

  5. Kristen, it's nice to know that you're human and it's challenging for you too. I have been struggling so much. My shunt malfunctioned about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago and was infected. They had to externalize my shunt for a few days to ride the infection and then reinsert it. I have been struggling a great deal. I know God's my hope and strength but I read you posts and you're always so cheerful about everything and it amazes me. It is, in a weird way, reassuring to read that you have struggles too in the midst of everything going on. Sorry if that sounds weird. I cannot imagine Cayman's pain with the (how many?) times her shunt has malfunctioned. This was my first malfunction since first inserted November 2006. She is such a strong girl and the video was awesome! So glad she is willingly using the walker still. That's great! You were worried about pushing it on her......she got and will get to go trick-or-treating just like all the others kids her age. You and Mike did that by encouraging and pushing her. Props to you. Keep up the great work!!

  6. Okay, that just made my day. She is the cutest duck in the history of ducks. And look at her walking down the hall! Amazing!

  7. Cutest little duckie ever!!!! Bring her on by our house (of course, that'd be a bit far for a just a piece of candy)!!!! Happy trick-or-treating!


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