Some Updates

Sunday, May 9, 2010

  • Saturday evening Cayman was moved out of the PICU and into the step down unit. It's not the most comfortable for us. The space is small and we can't sleep next to Cayman's bedside. Mike and I are not ready to leave her, so we have been taking shifts at her side. She's getting lots of cuddles.
  • During her shunt surgery on Thursday, a picc line was put in. They took that out yesterday (on Saturday). It's always nice to see the number of tubes and wires that are attached to her decrease.
  • Cayman is eating well.
  • Cayman sat up by herself. Her coordination and balance is pretty shaky but that could just be weakness - does not necessarily point to further brain damage from everything she experienced.
  • She is interacting well with people (waving, clapping, initiating play, etc.). A week before this all happened, she had her routine IEP evaluation done and the score for her social development was at the age of a 30 month old (Cayman is 26 months old). It looks like she is still our little social butterfly.
  • Cayman has been pulling Mommy's hair and Mommy doesn't even tell her no. :)
  • We've had visitors coming each day and it's been great and very comforting to us.
  • Friday night we were able to get a room at the Med Inn, which is a hotel that is directly connected to the hospital. In fact, one of its entrances is right on the same floor where Cayman is at. So convenient. It's not guaranteed that we'll continue to have a room every night there during Cayman's stay in the hospital. The rooms are booked ahead by families expecting a stay at the hospital. Their reservations come first in fulfillment even if that means we have to get bumped since we weren't a planned stay. We can only slip into a vacant room as they come available around the reservations. I count the credit to God's providing hand that the room has stayed available to us for the past 3 days.

11 Showin' Comment Love:

Diane said...

Happy Mother's Day Kristen. I hope Cayman gives you extra snuggles and kisses today.

Again, thank you for all the updates.

Diane, Tyler's mom

Michelle said...

It is possible that the shakiness is just a post-seizure thing. Given that she collapsed and stopped breathing it is likely that she had a seizure. Owen is always shaky after one and it can take a full week to really get back his coordination after a bad one. But he always goes back to normal eventually so it may just resolve itself.

Tiffany said...

Kristen, I am another hydrocephalus mom and I have been following your blog for several months now. I have been thinking and praying for you guys since I found out about Cayman's shunt malfunction. Your faith and optimism through such a scary time inspire me. I am so glad to hear that sweet Cayman is on the upswing...what a wonderful blessing this Mother's Day! Hang in there, Tiffany

*Monica said...

It is so awesome to hear that Cayman seems to be retaining her milestones! Happy Mother's Day!!

Marilyn said...

Linked here from my cousin Lisa's blog.

Just wanted to drop in and wish you a Happy Mother's Day. Despite the trials and hardships that you are enduring, I hope that this day is filled with joy and peace.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day Kristen. To see this post melted my heart. I have been thinking about you guys all day. We continue to send prayers your way! Glad she is doing better!

~ Kelly (Tyler's Mom)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day, but haven't in a few cause of my daughter's bday party. And I'm just sobbing reading all this. I had no idea...praying for you all. God has Cayman wrapped in his arms!!
Ashley (in OK)

dswillis said...

happy Mother's Day!.. So glad Cayman is doing well. Praying she continues to do well and is home in her own room soon.

Stryker Local Schools said...

Love Med Inn! Continued prayers!!!

Tiffany said...

Glad to hear all of the good news...thinking of you all non-stop...

Gabriella said...

You are really capturing beautiful moments with your camera, Kristen! I feel such emotion oozing from these pics, it's unbelievable! You're truly talented.