
Friday, May 9, 2008

has decent prices I have discovered for diapers and wipes. It seems to be comparable to the wholesale stores like Sam's Club or Costco. Orders of $50 or more are shipped free. I like the fact that my order comes right to the house instead of trying to find the time and energy to get out to the store to buy diapers. Diapers.com has a Refer-A-Friend Program. So if you order from daipers.com and put in my Referal Code (which is KRST9154) or my email address (kris_lmt@yahoo.com) you get $5 off your first order and I receive $1 credit! Sweet!!!! So if you're thinking about ordering from there, please enter my code:


or email address:


and we'll both save!

Check it out at Diapers.com

Or if you know of another place to get even a better deal on diapers and wipes let me know!


2 Showin' Comment Love:

Jennifer said...

I will check this out! Yes, ABeka books is a homeschool curriculum. They are based in Pensacola, FL and associated with Pensacola Christian College which is the college I graduated from! It's a great curriculum. I used it in 1st and 4th grade, and then the books all through high school (although I went to a traditional school). I'm homeschooling Emily next year for Kindergarten with the ABeka videos, and I'm super excited. btw, a friend of mine requested prayer on Wednesday night for her friend (I don't remember what the request was), but anyway, she said her little girl has hydrocephalus. She said "She's 2 years old and you'd never know she had this, though. She is running around like a crazy girl!" I thought that was cool! I said, Hey, I know a baby that was just born with that! Well, I don't KNOW you. ha ha I fee like I do! Man, sorry for the long post AGAIN!

Barbara Fox said...

Thank you so much for the info!